The Minister of Agriculture visited Pichilemu and announced that the waters of the old convent will reach Marchigüe – El Marino


Minister Walker visited the radio Entreolas

During a visit to the region of O & # 39; Higgins, specifically to the municipality of Pichilemu, the Minister of Agriculture, Antonio Walker, officially announced that the Ministries of Agriculture, Public Works, the Municipality of Marchigue and the agricultural sector of the region have agreed to the arrival of the waters of the Reservoir of the Convent Viejo in the commune of Marchigüe, adding more than 10 000 cultivable hectares.

Minister Walker highlighted the work that the government has done to expedite the arrival of reservoir waters in communities that need them. Then, the authority said, "We want to be friends with farmers, we want to be their partners, we want children to move to a productive model of greater profitability, not just to be self-reliant, we want to They are doing well, it is the commitment "

For its part, the mayor of Marchigue, Hector Flores, said that" it is a project that will help our community tremendously, because that today the water resource is very exhausted and every time it rains less, "he said.

According to the authorities, the works that will extend the irrigation area of ​​Convento Viejo will be a profound productive and social change to revive the economy

Visit to Pichilemu
In the frame of the international seminar "Climate Change Adaptation Fund" held in Pichilemu Commune in the region of O Higgin s, the Minister of Agriculture, Antonio Walker, stressed the work carried out by the Ministry in the field of rural development and the promotion of badociativity in agriculture, in particular to support small farmers.

The Minister Antonio Walker, He stressed the need to reduce the gap between the urban and rural sectors. "One of our most important problems is the development of the rural world, we want to reduce the gap between the urban and rural world.And to achieve this, at the DEO a department called the development of the rural world has been formed.Our challenge as a ministry is to improve the quality of life of people who live in hamlets, hamlet villages, villages in the rural world, because they have the same right to have the same quality of life as everyone else. "For this government, the development of the rural world is a fundamental issue, our twelve services make great efforts to better serve each of the 300,000 farmers who work in the world "agro of our country", closed.

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