The Minister of Labor and the CUT fight for the effect of the labor reform in the layoffs


The conflict over the closure of Maersk in San Antonio, which left 1,200 workers without their source of work, added at the end of other tasks such as construction CIAL and Suazo pasta, continues to spark debate intense. Yesterday, the situation opened a new controversy between the government and the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT).

In the presentation of the report of the Labor Observatory of the metropolitan area, the Minister of Labor, Nicols Monckeberg, noted that this occurs because of bad public policies, because the investment is stopped, because a poorly done work reform has been done, many companies are paying the consequences and these things need to be corrected.

responsible for the reform of the work of the Bachelet administration. "This situation is the result of four years of bad policies that have not generated jobs, that have not generated investment, that have blocked growth, our mission is to correct that, "he said. the situation and that tomorrow they will meet the workers of the company to approach their future work.

The N1 trade union of the company, jointly with the CUT, announced the filing of a complaint to the Trade Union Advisory Committee of the OECD. serious violation by the Danish container transport company established by the agency for the restructuring and / or closure of multinationals. The owner of the workers' portfolio refused to refer to the complaint

The president of the CUT, Brbara Figueroa, was not indifferent to the statements of Monckeberg and sent a hard message, the appellant to Inform him: "It is important that the minister speaks less, comments less and reports more, because statements made by business leaders made it clear that they were not blaming the union." or collective bargaining of the process in Maersk, "he said. Figueroa added: "The minister must have better advisors and be much more informed so as not to make mistakes as a beginner".

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