The Minka Comunal bakery has taken over bread production for the city – Correo del Orinoco


After an attempted eviction by police officers of the Minka Comunal Bakery, former Mansion & Bakery, located on Baralt Avenue in Caracas, bread production was stopped for the communities of Altagracia and La Pastora parishes

. Informed Lenys Morillo, a bakery worker, who said: "The officials arrived at about eight o'clock in the morning and sent to paralyze the equipment until about noon."

This fact was developed Monday at eight o'clock. In the morning for alleged action of the former owners with lawyers and police, who entered the establishment with a court order that determined that the employees had to leave the place.

Morillo said that thanks to the performance of the head of the capital district government, Carolina Cestari, in the afternoon the solidarity bread production for the people started again. "We produced 12,800 loaves of bread that are distributed to the 24 Local Supply and Production Committees (CLAP) of the Altagracia and La Pastora parishes and to the community bakery to bring the product to the people at low prices", he said

. More than a year and a half ago, this bakery became the first occupied and intervened by the people's power after a precautionary measure of the National Superintendency for the Defense of Socio-Economic Rights (Sundde) had been applied to this establishment due to irregularities. "We, as an organized community of the parish of Altagracia, have decided to make an occupation to maintain the operation and production of the bakery," said the worker.

"Here the bread tap is produced at a price of solidarity for the city, which pays only 20 bolivars for each one.In addition we developed for the general public acemitas and piñita bread in 60 bolivars", indicated.

The main work of this community movement is to contribute with the fight against the brutal commercial war that has been developed against the city.

/ Ildana Pacheco
F / Roberto Gil

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