The moment a meteorite disintegrates on a castle in England


A meteorite reached the Earth but disintegrated while crossing the atmosphere. It was miles from a castle in Shropshire, England.

England. A meteorite reached the Earth, went through almost all its layers but happily disintegrated in the atmosphere. It was a few miles from a Shropshire castle. The images were captured during a meteor shower Orionid last week.

This kind of rain only occurs in the spring, when our planet crosses the torrent of debris left by Halley's comet. The show was recorded by photographer Nick Jackson, who had gone to the castle to photograph the building of the thirteenth century

. the sky and made him film.

& # 39; It is very rare to see such a big meteor. While I was filming the trail of stars, I could not check the pictures immediately. With things like that, you have to be in the right place at the right time, "said Jackson.

This strange light colored the sky of China and surprised everyone!


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