The most searched brands on Google: Chevrolet in Argentina and Toyota in the world


Chevrolet is the most sought after car brand on Google by Argentines and by Toyota by the rest of the world. This is clear from the study conducted by the insurance company Veygo to find out which are the most used search engines in the automotive sector in 2018.

As can be seen on the map, the Golden bow signature is today signed by today's most sought-after brand on Google, although Veygo did not reveal the number of searches nor the marks that follow it.

In the world, Toyota is in the lead in 57 of the 171 countries surveyed by this company. The Japanese made an average 7.8 million searches a month, ahead of Honda (7 million) and Ford (6.4).

Toyota has conducted research in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Finland and the Philippines. In many countries followed BMW leader in 25 and Mercedes-Benz in 23.

Two peculiarities: Lamborghini one of the most exclusive brands of world, it was the most sought after in Venezuela; and Tesla leads in seven countries, including Norway and the Netherlands, where electric cars are gaining more and more market share.

In South America, Honda in the lead in Brazil ; Hyundai in Paraguay, Chile and Peru; Suzuki in Bolivia and Chevrolet in Uruguay, Argentina and Colombia.

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