The neighbors of La Legua approve the opening of tickets to La Legua for more security | National


The Paz Ciudadana Foundation announced the results of the fourth victimization survey of the population of La Legua in San Joaquín, in the metropolitan area.

According to the results obtained in this version, six out of ten residents approved the opening of tickets to improve neighborhood safety. This measure was approved by 58.1% of respondents. However, other initiatives for more safety are improving the lighting of streets, pbadages and squares supported by 85.1% of those consulted, to improve and / or increase the approved green spaces. with 75.3% and to generate meeting spaces with neighbors with 71.5%.

In addition, the survey showed that victimization increased from 15.2% in 2015 to 10.1% in 2017. However, the perception of insecurity it remained constant . Among the situations that generate insecurity for neighbors include the shootings with 47.3%, badaults on the street with 12.6%, the sale with 11.2% and burglary at home with 5.4%

Among the other findings of the investigation, the perception of the safety of public spaces was increased, the trust of neighbors and evaluation of municipal institutionality. However, they reported that Carabineros lacked personnel and criticized the occupation of the neighborhood by gangs.

The survey was conducted face-to-face among 455 households, of which 58% indicated that it is good to open streets and pbadages, as this improves safety in the neighborhood.

The Mayor of San Joaquín, Sergio Echeverría, said that "the results of this survey are in line with what I saw as mayor, in which hundreds of families within Legua Emergencia asked us to open the pbadages, because they feel trapped by gangs of drug trafficking. "

Expropriation of Armored Houses

In November of last year, was started protecting 22 houses located at Villa Los Jardines II in La Legua These works culminated in March 2018 and the idea was to prevent the arrival of "crazy bullets" in the houses.

This work was done after the authorities collapsed a wall that separated the houses. For this reason, it was decided to protect homes with doors, windows and closed doors.

However, the government, through a working table between the Ministry of the Interior, the Under-Secretary of Crime Prevention, Housing, the Metropolitan Municipality, the Municipality of San Joaquín, evaluates a plan to eradicate these houses according to La Segunda.

"The current government, with its desire to open the pbadages, seeks a solution for these families Although formally they did not provide us with news, informally, it was expressed that they want to eradicate homes and redirect land, "said San Joaquin Mayor Sergio Echeverría to the media.

According to sources from the Ministry of Housing, families are working to "offer them the best housing solution, according to their particular needs," while eventually fell down the wall of La Legua . ] In the project that the government has is include more green spaces in the area .

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