The new apostolic administrator of Rancagua has not ruled out meeting suspended priests


After the departure of Alejandro Goic from the diocese of Rancagua, after Pope Francis accepted his resignation, the Vatican appointed Bishop Fernando Ramos as "apostolic administrator"; who must momentarily take over the work in the regional capital community until the decision is made as to who will take over definitively.

Fernando Ramos has been Auxiliary Bishop of Santiago since 2014 and is currently Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference of Chile. After being announced by the Vatican, he declared that he welcomed "this will of the Holy Father" in order to work with the community despite the state in which the diocese of Rancagua is located after the investigations. badual abuse and abusive actor against minors [19659002"L'églisedeRancaguatraverseunepériodedifficiledepuisuncertaintempsetuneactionadéjàétéentreprisepourlarésoudreavecjusticeaveccharitéaveccessituationsetjeveuxcontinuersurcettevoieafinquetouslesdoutesquipourraientavoirétéclarifiés"Danscescénariol'administrateurapostoliqueapromisdecoopérerdanstouslescasquisesontdéveloppésdanslecadredel'enquêtedirigéeparlebureauduprocureurgénéraldeRancaguaencequiconcernelesabusetlesactesrépréhensiblescommiscontredesmineurs

in this regard, Ramos badured that "I want to put myself at the service of truth in first, both by the canonical channel and by that of the courts of the State of Chile. If the Office of the Prosecutor needs help or collaboration, we are quite willing to cooperate as justice demands, and I must also internalize, because I do not know very well about it. process flow. "

Indagatoria, the apostolic administrator did not rule out the meeting with the 14 priests suspended by the diocese of Rancagua, this in order to know the antecedents and complaints that are studied.

"I'm going to meet everyone, I'm going to devote myself it's the first time I've listened, that I know and, if so, that I'm meeting people who have indications to give or who have caused harm to other people, "he said

. January 1959 in Santiago, where he studied at the University of Chile. He graduated in Forest Engineering and in 1983, he entered the Pontifical Major Seminary of Santiago, where he studied philosophical and theological studies

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