The new credit card piracy would affect 50 thousand customers


A new piracy of credit card information by The Shadow Brokers was recorded this Saturday. It would affect 50 thousand customers of the Latin American banks

Security Operation Center of Telefónica Chile, notified by e-mail: "the group of cybercriminals who called" TheShadowBrokers "filtered an approximate number more than 50,000 credit cards belonging to Latin American banks. "

# 24HorasCentral
This is a comic, so they know it. (Thank you)
Transbank, in your files, are there any? is in solidarity with his neighbors?
Not everything is banks, do not forget the song SIC SING … scadaaa.https: //

Freedom to: -dreex1 -B00du13 -Mr.H

– TheShadowBrokers (@brokers_shadow) July 28, 2018

According to the slogan, BioBioChile had access to the document, in which you can identify the names and numbers, which correspond to the card numbers.

In a press release, ABIF noted that a new circulating list would be only "an excerpt from the previous database with another format."

Also, the banks reiterated that blocked "100% of the active credit cards" that were victims of the violation of cybersecurity.

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