The new large-screen folding phone raises doubts | WORLD


At an event in San Francisco, Samsung presented its vision of the future of smartphones. This time, it's a future in which phones have a screen that can be folded to take up less space when it's out of date.

Justin Denison, vice president of product marketing for the South Korean company, extracts from the In the pocket of his jacket that has been the subject of rumors over the past week: a flexible smartphone. Clearly, an action aimed to show the compactness of the device despite a screen much larger than the current screens

Even if we could only see it briefly, it was enough to show the concept of the device. business mind: a phone that has a small screen when it is folded, four inches, in this case, to access the functionality of the same without compromising portability, and a large screen at the back that is fully deployed reaches 7, 3 inches.

Among the many issues raised by this type of smartphones, one of the main is precisely their relative ease of use on a daily basis, which Samsung solves with the aforementioned minor screen dimensions However, here's a tip because the The result of the folded terminal, as can be seen slightly in the pictures, acquires a considerable size that it would be aberrant to see in any other phone today.

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