The new Nintendo 64 mini technology will be released in December to celebrate its 20th anniversary


Specialized sites have ensured the launch, by the end of this year, of a Nintendo 64 mini console to cope with the launch of the miniature Sony PlayStation Clbadic of which we could see the games that he will include yesterday.

The legendary Nintendo 64 console would be back to celebrate more than 20 years of emergence of the original device.

The rumor is gaining strength after the finding that Nintendo is recording and updating patents relating to this famous console, including controls, video game titles and even device design.

The mini-console could have four slots for controls in addition to memory expansion capability, which suggests that instead of preloaded games, it would have cartridges.

Nintendo is expected to announce in a few days the official announcement of the 64 mini that will be released in December, similar to the Sony console.

The Nintendo 64 mini would join the collection of the NES Clbadic Mini and SNES Clbadic Mini.

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