The new Overwatch Hero is a hamster named Wrecking Ball


As you read, Blizzard Entertainment announced that the 28th Overwatch Hero is a hamster named Wrecking Ball that is already available in the Public Testing World on PC.

Wrecking Ball, an ingenious mechanic with impressive abilities, he travels the world in search of the next challenge

  • Name: Wrecking Ball
  • Name: Hammond
  • Age: 14
  • Occupation: Mechanic , robotic armor pilot
  • Operation Base: Moon Colony Horizon (previously), Junkertown (previously)
  • Affiliation: None

History of the Demolition Ball

"Do not not the hamster fool "

In one of the many experiments conducted at Colonia lunar Horizonte allowed the animals to benefit from genetic therapy to badess the level of adaptation to long periods of residence on the lunar surface. As an unexpected side effect, many of them have shown exceptional growth in both physical size and brain function. While most of the tested subjects were gorillas or other primates, there were some exceptions, such as a small hamster named Hammond.

Like everyone else, Hammond's intelligence increased, and the hamster began to feel much more curious about the world around him. Something that baffled the scientists was Hammond's habit of escaping to visit different parts of the lunar base. Although they always end up finding him and bringing him back to his cell, they never understood the real purpose of his nocturnal escapes. What they did not know was that Hammond was learning mechanics in a self-taught way, which would be of great help later on.

  Overwatch - Wrecking Ball "title =" Overwatch - Wrecking Ball "src =" 2018/06/28 / overwreckball04-a92933a39b32009a138ce7ebddacb5b1.jpg "/>

<p> Over time, the colony succumbed to chaos when some of the gorillas rebelled against human scientists and took control of the facilities. However, not all animals were involved, and one of the gorillas, Winston, was developing a plan to escape to Earth. Hammond realized the opportunity that was presented. He built an improvised capsule and secretly tied it to Winston's ship when the gorilla was preparing to take off. When both crossed the Earth's atmosphere, Hammond parted from Winston and landed in a different area: the desert of Australia's interior. </p>
<p>  Hammond modified his escape capsule to participate in the lucrative robotic armor battles that were fought in the sand of the dump. At a steady and safe pace, "Wrecking Ball" became the champion challenger, although the pilot's identity remained a mystery to all. Thanks to his well-deserved profits, Hammond managed to improve his robotic armor to survive the dangerous journey of escaping from the desert, which was controlled by scrap dealers. </p>
<p>  Free from all connections and willing to do what he wants, Hammond Now he is dedicated to exploring the world in search of new adventures. </p>
<h3>  Skills </h3>
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