the new vulnerability of Android and iOS that exposes everything


It's like the Specter of smartphones

We present you RAMPage. A new vulnerability that you probably never read before. But he has every chance of becoming something as delicate as Meltdown and Specter.

Discovered by an expert in computer security Victor van der Veen ( @vvdveen ). The problem would mainly affect Android devices. Although the iOS also, in theory could be attacked.

This vulnerability, detailed in an "official" site on RAMPage; it's a variant of another failure called Rowhammer, able to manipulate existing data in the memory of affected devices.

RAMpage operates the ION subsystem; the memory controller present in any smartphone with [Android] Ice Cream Sandwich

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To access the memory encrypted device; and compromise pbadwords, photos, e-mails and even messages stored in other applications.

It would be a tricky bug. Therefore, Veen and company have already asked Google to implement an immediate solution.

However, the company has not yet shown any response or correction to protect the terminals.

Cream Sandwich was released in the year 2011, would be a serious problem with millions of android exposed.

It should be only a matter of time before having any certainty on the subject. [ad_2]
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