
With the vote of trust work for the population "Stadium", the neighborhood recovery program called "Quiero Mi Barrio", which is led by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and launched by the Municipality of Natales, where close to a hundred neighbors gathered at the 16th meeting to participate in the launch of the program, and which also includes a major intervention in the area of ​​Antiguo Natales.

The population "Stadium" is the fourth population that intervenes with the neighborhood recovery program in Puerto Natales, being one of the oldest in the municipality, currently the population has its own council which is chaired by Sonia Quinan, a neighborhood manager for more than 20 years, said he feels happy for the participation of neighbors, where it motivates them even more to continue working for the progress of the sector.
The call that was celebrated by his own Mayor Fernando Paredes Mansilla, who also urged the neighbors to continue with the commitment and the example that the elderly people make for their area; "I want to congratulate the neighbors who have come to participate in this first step that marks the beginning of this program, and the vote to choose a job of confidence, I hope that this help will be maintained over time, since the results and the success of the program here in the neighborhood depends on the neighbors themselves. "

The mayor added that the success of the program has been reflected in other cities, such as the" Nueva Esperanza "neighborhoods and "Octavio Castro", where the quality of life and the participation of neighbors allowed to change face and save a culture that identifies each sector, where he expects it to happen again in the population "Stadium ", also noted that the neighbors will have the opportunity in the program, to strengthen their capacities the organizational scope of the neighbors and their people, where they can be trained and educated in the approach to the realization of projects and the pr ise of decision.

Finally, the neighbors who voted to have the first job of trust, were eager to start working for their population, where they largely belong to groups of older people where the needs for improving their neighborhood are numerous. in various aspects.

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