The online map lets you know where the cities were, but there are 750 million years ago | Technology


An American engineer named Ian Webster did an interesting project that allows any user to know where a certain address on Earth was, but millions of years ago.

site, you can see how our planet looked in prehistoric times.

And not only, since you can also enter a city or address to know its exact location at that time.

Each period is accompanied by a description of Earth. For example, if you "travel" 150 million years ago, you will be in the Upper Jurbadic.

  In the red zone, Concepción was located 400 million years ago |
In the Concepción red zone was located 400 million years ago |

"The first lizards appeared and primitive placental mammals evolved," says the portal.

"Dinosaurs Dominate Both Landmbades" Large marine reptiles inhabited the ocean, and pterosaurs were the dominant flying vertebrates " he adds

As the site of Gizmodo collects it, the site works with data from GPlates an academic project for geologists that collects data on tectonic plates and their movements.

It should be noted that the Earth has not always been as we know it today. Millions of years ago, the different continents we know were part of one, called Pangea

This supercontinent existed at the end of the time Paleozoic and beginning of Mesozoic bringing together most of the emerging lands of the planet.

About 200 million years ago, it began to fracture until reaching the current distribution of continents, in a process that is still going on.

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