The owners of Soap Popeye denounce Unilever in front of the FNE for abuse of dominant position and predatory practices


  Jabu00f3n Popeye

The company of the Maritano family, owner of the emblematic soap, has lodged a complaint with the national economic prosecutor for predatory practices and abuse of dominant position, involving Unilever

. Pablo Maritano, Industria de Jabones SA, pointed out that despite the signing in 2014 of an agreement to improve business practices among the leading brands of detergents, Unilever would violate this document.

The employer has accused the brand of making bids at predatory prices and auction prices at products that compete with Popeye, which hinders the rest of the market.

Unilever "is becoming more aggressive every day," Maritano told Radio BioBío, where they recognize that "competition is difficult," but that's not the reason we should "live by eating the rest. "

The Chilean company also exposed the complaint, which indicates abusive practices such as enar warehouses of supermarkets and warehouses, leaving no space to the rest of the suppliers, in addition to putting pressure on the distributors to obtain more information. 39 spaces in the gondolas and a better location.

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