The Panama Canal records revenues of $ 3,171 million at the end of its fiscal year


The Panama Cbad recorded $ 3.171 million during the fiscal year ended September, which resulted in a growth of 10% over the previous cycle.
According to the local press, La Prensa, which comes at a time of slowing down of the local economy, helps public financial resources, exhausted in several sectors, including construction and wholesale and retail trade. .

Preliminary figures for the cbad are guaranteed by the record of 442.1 million metric tons CP / SUAB (measurement of the volume of the universal ship armament system) that crossed the waterway, which has had an impact on toll paid vessels, according to the report of the Panama Cbad Authority (ACP).

In these results, the new locks of greater capacity have had a direct impact on the crossing of neopanamax vessels, with the possibility of multiplying the volume of goods on board. of these and the crossing of tankers with liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), a new business sector

The director of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), a new business sector

ACP, Jorge Luis Quijano, in a video intended for the collective of work He underlined that "the chain continues to exceed the expectations, thus contributing to the development of the country while reinforcing more and more the importance of its expansion and its impact on world maritime trade "

. Container ships remained the most common segment on the interoceanic route, contributing 37% of the weight recorded in transits, mainly on board mega-ships using the extension, which operates eight ships a day on average .

] To be followed by tankers, including LPG and LNG, which accounted for almost one-third of the tonnage; bulk carriers, 17% and vehicles, with 12%, depending on the source.

The main route taken was that which links the east coast of the United States to Asia, followed by a similar origin with the western shores of South America. and from the latter with Europe, as well as between the ports of South America located in the eastern and western mainland.

The United States has been identified as the main user of the channel, accounting for 62.8% of freight crossing the waterway. had its origin or destination in the northern country and followed in descending order China, Mexico, Chile and Japan.

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