The Paralympic accident left a woman adrift in the air for 45 minutes


Katie Malone planned a very special event to celebrate her 29th birthday: she tied a parachute to a meter-high surge arrester in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in early June.

Everything was fine during the first few minutes, but at some point during the trip, the young woman noticed that the line connecting her to the boat had broken and that she was flying in the opposite direction. which was supposed, slowly approaching the earth.

Her terrifying flight ended when Katie landed emergency about 45 minutes later at an airport about 2 miles away, her brother Brendan told CNN on Thursday.

He fractured his pelvis, left it with four broken ribs, a lung collapsed and a blow on the left side of his face, he said. But she is alive and slowly recovering.

Despite injuries, the accident could have been worse. At one point, he was about to hit one of the balconies of a neighboring complex, because it happened so close that he could hear people screaming.

Even after the complex landing, there were more problems. His brother said that there was a crocodile near the place where he had landed, and that the rescuers had to scare the animal to reach him. When the family told him about the crocodile, Brendan said his sister "laughed and thought it was funny."

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