The payment of VAT from digital platforms in Colombia such as Netflix and Uber – Technology News – Technology


Since 1 July, foreign digital platforms, such as Spotify, Netflix or Deezer, are required to collect 19% VAT on their services, a measure stipulated in the 2016 tax reform. national platforms had to do this.

The standard is mandatory for all service providers from abroad, and if it is not enforced, the Dian warned that she had the power to order the various means of payment that exist in the country (credit and debit cards, cards Ómar Rangel, advisor to the general direction of Dian, explained to El TIEMPO that there would be a delay for the platforms to voluntarily make payments.

19659002] "The Dian, surely, will make a cut when the first two months of the payment of the tax are due, and in case the service providers have not approached voluntarily, the cards will directly retain the payment", said the official 19659002] Lorenzo Villegas, expert telecommunications lawyer, points out that there is a lot of confusion. "The collection of VAT has already begun, but the government does not. has not yet published the rules the platforms make the corresponding payments " he said.

Moreover, the lawyer said: They are unfair and irrational. In the end, the costs for users will increase and it is possible that this will distort Internet access. "

Victoria Eugenia Virviescas, Executive President of the Colombian Electronic Chamber of Commerce, believes that there should be more clarity for service providers abroad on issues such as not oblige service providers to establish permanent establishments in the country or to transfer their operations to the national territory, which would make them liable for other tax burdens.

The Colombian Electronic Chamber of Commerce has asked the Dian to establish a six-month period from the entry into force of the obligation, so that foreign service providers "may, in good faith, adapt and adapt their systems" the service provider is deemed not to have complied with the requirements of the resolution within that period.

The Dian representative explained that, although the regulations are not entered into force, "this does not excuse that the platforms do not collect the tax at this time. "

Netflix would rise from 32,900 pesos to 39,151, Uber's base rate would rise from 5,000 to 5,950 pesos and Apple Music from 12,900 to 15,351

.In a similar position, Galé Mallol, president of the Association of Information and Communication Technology Operators of Colombia (Asotic). "This is a big step forward, as this decision aims to equalize the costs to suppliers of this same service in Colombia. We continue to insist that this measure is very positive and that it is already being replicated in neighboring countries, "Mallol said.

The Dian said that service providers can now s & # 39; 39 register as any responsible for VAT in Colombia and for this they must manage the single register of tax (RUT) .The entity said to have in his hands a decree with which it seeks to facilitate the Registration of the RUT on the Internet and that said document will come into effect "in the coming days." It also works on regulations that allow to have a special payment channel and a simplified form for foreign companies to declare

Foreign service providers are required to pay their taxes on a bimonthly basis, the payment of the July-August bimester must be made next September, however, the government plans to extend this period until November so that these companies have sufficient time to register and adapt their systems to comply with their tax obligations.

Uber spokespeople explained to this newspaper that are in accordance with the regulations and that will allow them to consolidate in the country. "We are waiting for the final settlement to review and continue working so that in addition to the collection that is already done, we are complying with the formal duties and the payment of the tax".

EL TIEMPO contacted Deezer, Spotify and Cabify to obtain their opinions on the subject, but there was no answer.

It is important to mention that the service providers who must comply with this obligation are not just digital platforms, but all foreign service providers, except those providing services excluded from the payment of the service charge. VAT, such as for example, cloud computing or web hosting services.

The platforms to which VAT would be added are: the provision of audiovisual services, music, videos, films and games of any kind. Also, tools for the digital distribution of mobile applications, online advertising applications and educational tools or distance education.

Regarding the approximate changes in service costs on some platforms, Netflix would increase from 32,900 pesos to 39,151; the base rate of Uber would rise from 5,000 to 5,950 pesos and that of Apple Music from 12,900 to 15,351.


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