The police arrest Denis Furtado, Dr. Bumbum


CITY OF MEXICO.- After four days of racing, the so-called "Dr. Bumbum" (Dr. Rear) was arrested on Thursday in Rio de Janeiro, accused of having caused the death of a patient during a surreptitious cosmetic surgery operation in his apartment. However, the doctor said that he was the victim of an "injustice".

Denis Furtado, famous on social networks as "Dr. Bumbum", was arrested thanks to an anonymous tip in a business center in Barra. from Tijuca, a wealthy neighborhood west of Rio, where he had operated on the woman, Rio police reported on Twitter and her mother, accused of complicity, was also arrested.

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Doctor was actively wanted by police since Sunday for charges Homicide and criminal badociation. The case had a big impact in Brazil, the second country with the most plastic surgeries after the United States.

Bank employee Lilian Quezia Calixto, seduced by the reputation of this doctor with more than 650 thousand followers on Instagram, made more than 2 to a thousand kilometers from Cuiaba (west) to undergo a facelift with him at Rio

After being operated on Saturday night in Furtado's apartment, the woman began to feel bad and was hospitalized. After four heart attacks, he died.

"As everyone knows, a fatality has occurred, but a fatality that occurs with any doctor," said "Dr. Bumbum" in a video posted on his account Instagram, registered in an office presumably before being detained.

The doctor said that operated the woman in her "office" and that about six hours later, he took her to the hospital, where he ended up dying

# AN7International .- After four days of escape, Denis Furtado, better known in Brazil as "Dr. Bumbum", was arrested Thursday in Rio de Janeiro, accused of being in danger. causing the death of a patient during a clandestine cosmetic surgery in his apartment. # AN7

– Antena Noticias 7 (@ ANoticias7) 20 July 2018

"This is a mystery that is always the cause of its dead, but it is an injustice of what they say about me on TV, "said Furtado, wearing the same black jacket with which he was arrested and visibly nervous.

"Dr. Bumbum" manufactured bioplasties with polymethylmethacrylate, a technique questioned by many experts, which caused problems and even the death of dozens of women in Latin America. "

The Doctor said that his current medical title and he performed more than 9,000 times this "authorized" procedure.

The Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery denounced that "the growing invasion of the specialty by non-specialists has increasingly favored fatal cases like this. "

With information from Televisa Noticias

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