The Pope blesses on the Plaza de San Pedro the crown of a Chilean historical image of the Virgen del Carmen


Sunday, June 24, the day of San Juan Bautista, being ten o'clock in the morning with fifty minutes, a commission of 91 parishioners of the Chilean parishes of San Agustín and El Buen Pastor of San Pedro de la Paz (Archdiocese of Concepcion) they went on pilgrims from southern Chile to Rome. They started the so-called "International Faith Route: the Augustinians of Chile in Italy"; activity organized by the parish pastoral area of ​​the province of Agustina in Chile, whose earlier versions have always been in different sanctuaries of the country, this being the first international experience. This year, they had an important goal related to the devotion that the Chileans profess to Virgen del Carmen .
Therefore, once coordinated all the logistical details of this pilgrimage, the Chileans began negotiations for the Pope to bless the crowns of the Virgin of Carmen and her Son. It was thus that the Apostolic Nuncio to Chile, Msgr. Ivo Scapolo, expressed this wish to the Prefect of the Pontifical House, Msgr Georg Gänswein, who made the blessing possible in the context of the "baciamano" ceremony.

The reason for this extraordinary journey – comments to Portaluz Fr. Yuliano Viveros, pastor of St. Augustine and responsible for this pastoral area, "is to promote the renewal of the faith of our parishioners and to strengthen our baptismal consecration and our vocation as missionary disciples, in the service of the Kingdom of God. "This" road of faith "continues the young priest, was to be held in November of last year, but for reasons of force majeure, it had to be postponed until June. was made to make a gesture of affection and closeness to Pope Francis on June 29, on the occasion of the solemnity of San Pedro and San Pablo. "

Under a radiant sun Falling on the Chilean pilgrims St. Peter's Square, P. Yuliano presented to the Pope the Scapular of the Virgin of Carmen as a sign of the 375 years of the founding of the Carmelite Brotherhood – founded in Chile – in the Former Concepción de P. Penco, P. Yuliano tells us that once received the scapular, His Holiness kissed him and exclaimed: " So that I could do what I have to do ", a phrase that the priest said to interpret to the ecclesial contingency of our country" and to which He praised: "The people of God who is a pilgrim in Chile prays for you."

The purpose of this blessing is explained by the priest, is to enhance the crowning of a historical image, the oldest of which dedication in the country, at a date that is significant for the Chilean Church, recognizing the Virgin of Carmen as Mother, Protector and Queen of Peace and Chile unity. This coronation, says the priest, becomes the concretion of what was left unfinished during the recent visit of Pope Francis to Chile, especially in Temuco, where, for logistical reasons, the desired coronation of the historical image could not be achieved.

Among the other activities and visits, the pilgrims were present at the General Audience of Pope Francis, at the Consistory of the creation of the 14 new Cardinals, at the celebration of the solemnity of Saint Peter and Saint Paul [19659003] of the Faith "The International of the Augustinians in Italy hopes to conclude the day of July 7, previous tour of various places of particular interest for the Augustinian spirituality, which contemplate the towns and villages of some Augustine saints and other saints, dear and venerated by the Church.

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