The price of copper rose 0.58% today due to the improvement in confidence.


Metal reached US $ 2,8330 per pound, but futures contracts have mixed results.

On Monday, market sentiment improved, benefiting the price of copper. , which started the week with a rise in the London Metal Exchange.

At the end of the session, the metal was at $ 2.8330 per pound, 0.58% higher than its price. Friday

This, according to local market agents, is mainly due to the recovery of badets considered to be higher risk globally, including commodities and emerging currencies.

Awaiting news on the trade front or On the side of the US Federal Reserve moving the dollar, metal futures are showing mixed results in New York.

As of March 2019, contracts are set at $ 2,77835 per pound, while next year they are at $ 2,7990 per pound.

"Yes Among the main macroeconomic references, copper is waiting for what will happen on Friday at the G20 summit when Donald Trump and Ji Xiping meet to try to find a solution to this trade war," said Carlos Quezada, badyst market at XTB Latam.

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