The priest Aldounate and his battles against the devil in his exorcisms


This dawn died at the age of 102 years the Jesuit priest Carlos Aldunate one of the trainers of Pope Francis. Beyond his pastoral work, one of the qualities that distinguished him was to be an exorcist

In an interview with Portaluz Aldunate recounted some of the "fights That he had with the demon. "The exercise of exorcism can be considered as reserved by the bishops and sometimes I asked permission from the bishop to do exorcism ."

On the question of whether he confronted the devil, with oppressed people, with people afflicted by the devil himself I remember being in Peru with North American father MacNutt, we were praying for a young man who had believed that he was oppressed by the devil … Two or three years later I went there and j & rsquo; I was lucky to see the young man and I asked him about his life, he was calm, he was really released, so the question of whether the demon exists and oppresses, the answer is yes ".

If this had a negative effect on his practice, Aldunate said that " the exorcist was not to be afraid of being contaminated, no . the person … Just as a doctor does not necessarily end up he will be depressed when he treats depressive (…) If you suspect that a person needs an exorcism, then take the telephone and call the bishop to ask permission … "

A Concrete Case

On the same site of Portaluz, a mother tells how Aldunate and father Agustín Sánchez exorcised a baby The testimony is from Teresa who did not know what to do with his son

"These priests lived about three hours from home, I 39, decided to go speak with them, Father Carlos Aldunate and Father Agustín Sánchez Upon the arrival of Father Carlos, he called Father Agustín and at that time the boy, when he lives this priest, became crying, crying, huge!, without control . "

" I felt horrible, Serene, Father Agustin made a hand gesture for me to approach, while he was moving away a bit. " There is something inside your son, but I can not help him yet "

One of his daughters told them that they had played with a Ouija board and had received a " unclean spirit " at the child.

"At that time, Father Carlos anointed him with oil – which I knew to exorcise – on the forehead, in his hands and in other places of the body for the child asking the Virgin Mary to protect it.I still remember that it would be after the third or fourth of these releases that my son began to be wrapped in a scent of flowers, which could be perceived in the places he had been in. In the end, this good priest taught me a prayer of protection which is up to today one of my daily devotions; that is the well known Saint Patrick's cuirbad, but in a version adapted by this exorcist. "

A video with his experiences:

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