The proposal to reduce working hours to 40 hours takes strength in opposition "Diario y Radio U Chile


Chile is one of the OECD countries that works the most hours per year. In addition, there are more and more medical licenses and stress-related illnesses at work. For this reason, the idea of ​​reducing working time has been imposed in recent years, which has given rise to several parliamentary motions. The last was presented last week with the support of several opposition MPs.

Saturday, October 27, 2018 3:26 hrs.

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Last week, a group of opposition parliamentarians, led by PS deputy Gastón Saavedra, announced the sending of or a motion that aims to reduce working hours from 45 to 40 hours and to gradually increase the number of days of leave from 15 to 20.

The project is added to that seized in early 2017 by the Communist deputy. Camila Vallejo called "40 hours", as well as other motions to reduce working hours.

On the similarity with the initiative of PC parliamentarian, Gastón Saavedra stressed the need to replace this already existing issue. time in the House. In this regard, he took note of the proposals of Osvaldo Andrade, Denise Pascal and Camila Vallejo herself.

He also stressed that beyond the paternity of the project, "the time has come to debate, when President Sebastián Piñera tries to send labor reforms, this is an important point, we must humanize the work in the country, "he said. The Socialist MP would meet Monday with the head of the Bureau, Nicolás Monckeberg, to seek the support of the executive to this measure. [19659006] However, the proposal of the PC MP would have an advantage. The project that is already on the table of the Labor Committee also has the support of the opposition parliamentarians who signed the motion, among whom the deputy of the Frente Amplio, Gael Yeomans, who chose, along Maite Orsini's help, to withdraw his signature.

The parliamentarian explained that her idea was to merge the two motions in an attempt to make it appear as soon as possible.

"It seemed to me that it was better to merge the two projects into one so you have to be able to process it quickly because the other project is already in the table and has already been installed publicly and they also deal with the The only difference between this project and the Saavedra project is related to holidays (…) rather than a major problem, I decided to make this decision, "he said.

Chile in the face of the OECD

Among the arguments in favor of To promote the initiative, the deputy Gastón Saavedra, president of the Labor Commission, stressed that our country was well above the average of OECD countries in terms of hours of work. In addition, he notes that the increase in the number of stress-related illnesses has increased in recent years.

"We have 221 hours more than this measure of work, so it is highly recommended when we compare only on the economic level, also start to compare ourselves to the population of our country and the extension of the day of work.We look at what happens with licenses that are cyclical or psychiatric in nature and the truth is that they have increased explosively, 30% of the total licenses are of this order. "[19659006ItshouldbenotedthatChileisthesixthcountryintheOECDcountrieswithlongerworkingdaysandthethirdinLatinAmericaafterMexicoandCostaRica

In this way, Chileans work about two hundred hours more per year than the average member country of the institution and surpbades Germany by more than 600 hours, nation with only 1,363 per year.



Last week, a group of opposition parliamentarians, led by PS MP, Gastón Saavedra, announced the dispatch of a motion to reduce the working day of 45 at 40 hours and gradually increase the number of days. The project adds to that introduced in early 2017 by Communist MP Camila Vallejo, entitled "40 hours", as well as other motions aimed at reducing working time.

By badogy with the initiative of the PC parliamentarian, Gastón Saavedra emphasized the need to replace this issue, which has been in the House for some time. In this regard, he took note of the proposals of Osvaldo Andrade, Denise Pascal and Camila Vallejo herself.

He also stressed that beyond the paternity of the project, "the time has come to debate, when President Sebastián Piñera tries to send labor reforms, this is an important point, we must humanize the work in the country, "he said. The Socialist MP would meet Monday with the head of the Bureau, Nicolás Monckeberg, to seek the support of the executive to this measure. [19659006] However, the proposal of the PC MP would have an advantage. The project that is already on the table of the Labor Committee also has the support of the opposition parliamentarians who signed the motion, among whom the deputy of the Frente Amplio, Gael Yeomans, who chose, along Maite Orsini's help, to withdraw his signature.

The parliamentarian explained that her idea was to merge the two motions in an attempt to make it appear as soon as possible.

"It seemed to me that it was better to merge the two projects into one so you have to be able to process it quickly because the other project is already in the table and has already been installed publicly and they also deal with the The only difference between this project and the Saavedra project is related to holidays (…) rather than a major problem, I decided to make this decision, "he said.

Chile in the face of the OECD

Among the arguments in favor of To promote the initiative, the deputy Gastón Saavedra, president of the Labor Commission, stressed that our country was well above the average of OECD countries in terms of hours of work. In addition, he notes that the increase in the number of stress-related illnesses has increased in recent years.

"We have 221 hours more than this measure of work, so it is highly recommended when we compare only on the economic level, also start to compare ourselves to the population of our country and the extension of the day of work.We look at what happens with licenses that are cyclical or psychiatric in nature and the truth is that they have increased explosively, 30% of the total licenses are of this order. "[19659006ItshouldbenotedthatChileisthesixthcountryintheOECDcountrieswithlongerworkingdaysandthethirdinLatinAmericaafterMexicoandCostaRica

In this way, Chileans work about two hundred hours more per year than the average member country of the institution and surpbades Germany by more than 600 hours, nation with only 1,363 per year.




Last week, a group of opposition parliamentarians, led by PS MP, Gastón Saavedra, announced the dispatch of a motion to reduce the working day of 45 at 40 hours and gradually increase the number of days. The project adds to that introduced in early 2017 by Communist MP Camila Vallejo, entitled "40 hours", as well as other motions aimed at reducing working time.

By badogy with the initiative of the PC parliamentarian, Gastón Saavedra emphasized the need to replace this issue, which has been in the House for some time. In this regard, he took note of the proposals of Osvaldo Andrade, Denise Pascal and Camila Vallejo herself.

He also stressed that beyond the paternity of the project, "the time has come to debate, when President Sebastián Piñera tries to send labor reforms, this is an important point, we must humanize the work in the country, "he said. The Socialist MP would meet Monday with the head of the Bureau, Nicolás Monckeberg, to seek the support of the executive to this measure. [19659006] However, the proposal of the PC MP would have an advantage. The project that is already on the table of the Labor Committee also has the support of the opposition parliamentarians who signed the motion, among whom the deputy of the Frente Amplio, Gael Yeomans, who chose, along Maite Orsini's help, to withdraw his signature.

The parliamentarian explained that her idea was to merge the two motions in an attempt to make it appear as soon as possible.

"It seemed to me that it was better to merge the two projects into one so you have to be able to process it quickly because the other project is already in the table and has already been installed publicly and they also deal with the The only difference between this project and the Saavedra project is related to holidays (…) rather than a major problem, I decided to make this decision, "he said.

Chile in the face of the OECD

Among the arguments in favor of To promote the initiative, the deputy Gastón Saavedra, president of the Labor Commission, stressed that our country was well above the average of OECD countries in terms of hours of work. In addition, he notes that the increase in the number of stress-related illnesses has increased in recent years.

"We have 221 hours more than this measure of work, so it is highly recommended when we compare only on the economic level, also start to compare ourselves to the population of our country and the extension of the day of work.We look at what happens with licenses that are cyclical or psychiatric in nature and the truth is that they have increased explosively, 30% of the total licenses are of this order. "[19659006ItshouldbenotedthatChileisthesixthcountryintheOECDcountrieswithlongerworkingdaysandthethirdinLatinAmericaafterMexicoandCostaRica

In this way, Chileans work about two hundred hours more per year than the average member country of the institution and surpbades Germany by more than 600 hours, nation with only 1,363 per year.


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