The province has placed more than 256,000 influenza vaccines and there is no home |


The Provincial Department of Health, through the Health Promotion and Prevention Branch, confirmed that during the first half of the year, 256 236 people had been vaccinated against the flu. As reported, there is no detected circulation of influenza virus in the Santa Fe area, but the circulation of respiratory viruses such as syncytial virus, adenovirus and parainfluenza has been put in place. evidence, producing respiratory diseases

. that those who belong to risk groups attend the vaccination because the dose is guaranteed in all effectors and that we are at the moment to avoid complications due to the flu, "said the head of the department of Epidemiology, María Carolina Cudos. "The flu in healthy people produces images that can be mild or moderate and, in general, they resolve in one week without the need for laboratory studies. Only in the face of suspicion of symptoms, the doctor will indicate the most appropriate treatment. In some cases, pneumonia may be the most common, "said Cudos

. With regard to the detection or diagnosis of different types of influenza, the professional recalled that the symptoms are similar: all types of influenza may cause fever, chills, cough, fatigue, sore throat, head and / or body, and some people may also experience vomiting and diarrhea.


Faced with the possibility of contracting this disease, Cudos explained that "the Ministry of Health strongly recommends that groups at risk be vaccinated each year against influenza and its possible serious complications. People at high risk of contracting the disease, such as children, the elderly or people with certain diseases, should also receive the pneumococcal vaccine. "

Regarding the type of inoculation used, the professional said the seasonal flu we had used the vaccine that protects against three influenza viruses: H1N1, H3N2 and the influenza B virus." 19659002] He also pointed out that "all children over six months and under two should be vaccinated against" and added that "if a child receives the flu shot for the first time, he will need two doses with an interval of four weeks and if there is no pediatric formulation, it should use seasonal influenza vaccine, half-dose of adults. "

The duration of Immunity after vaccination is six to 12 months and protection is usually achieved in two or three weeks.

to pregnant women, Cudos pointed out that "they present a higher risk of death, serious illness or other complications such as fetal death, the newborn, the baby" premature labor and low birth weight; the risk is the same throughout pregnancy. The transfer of defenses to the newborn by the vaccinated mother during pregnancy will provide protection during the first months of life. "

Specifically and with respect to the application of the vaccine, said" may continue to be beneficial while they continue to circulate influenza virus. " If you have not been vaccinated before, you can get protection by getting vaccinated now or later because the flu is unpredictable and the seasons may vary, so it's never too late.


Influenza can not cause illness because influenza viruses are inactive (dead). When flu shots are made, the viruses used are killed.

The most common side effect of the vaccine is pain in the area where the injection was administered. Other infrequent symptoms, such as fever, muscle aches and feelings of discomfort or weakness, disappear within two days.

With regard to people who may experience symptoms after inoculation, Cudos explains that Several reasons may explain why someone may experience flu-like signs even after receiving the vaccine: one of them is that they may have become infected just before the flu. vaccination or during the two-week period that the body takes to acquire the vaccine. protection once the vaccine is applied. This exposure can cause a person to get the flu before vaccine protection takes effect. "

" People can also get sick of other non-influenza viruses, which are present during the winter season and which they produce similar symptoms. We must remember that the influenza vaccine does not protect against respiratory diseases that are not caused by the influenza viruses included in the vaccine, "concluded the provincial reference.


Pneumococcal infections, they occur throughout the year, with greater attendance during the winter months. It is the agent that most often complicates viral infections such as influenza causing pneumonia, meningitis, blood infection and inflammation of the ear.

Depending on where the symptoms are reported, pneumococcal disease may acquire one name or another. but in all cases there is a bacterium called streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus).

Pneumococcal pneumonia (pulmonary infection) is the most common severe form of the disease and is characterized by the presence of fever and chills, coughing, rapid breathing or shortness of breath and chest pain.

Although we all get pneumococcal disease, it is more common in children under two years of age and in people over 65 years of age. Also for people with certain high-risk health problems, such as those who are predisposed to the flu, such as kidney, heart or chronic lung diseases, people with diabetes who have weakened immune systems, smokers and people without spleen.

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