"The question of gender is important", say the Argentinian Masons


"The gender issue is important to us, and more and more," says Mariela Rodríguez Ruiz, a great teacher of the Women's Grand Lodge of Argentina, the party feminine of Freemasonry. Week celebrates 16 years. Therefore, throughout the next week there will be activities open to the public for those who want to know more about this organization that is over 300 years old and although it is still related to the masculine, it also has a fledgling female branch that seeks to grow and remove the veil of secrecy that, in many cases, ends up coloring it with a bad image.

"It is difficult, and we would like to be much more than us.That is why we open ourselves so that we can know each other, join us," says Rodríguez Ruiz, who in his secular life, as she is called, is a doctor and works in a public hospital.In this line, this year, they decided to participate in the march of March 8 as freemason women. "How not to support the ideals of Ni Una Menos, if we want to be more? We could not be outside and decided to make ourselves visible, because we had never done it before, and that seemed like the perfect moment: a walk and a haircut of people; there were political parties, religious demonstrations and we went through everything.

The requirement to be a mason is to be over 18 and to be able to pay a monthly membership fee to support the workshops and activities that they perform. You can approach anyone, they even invite you to do it from their website or social networks. Currently, the youngest member of the lodge is 18 years old and the oldest 80. There are professional women, employees, housewives. This diversity, says the great teacher, is her greatest wealth as it allows them to address all the problems women face: from access to secular education and to public health, quality and freedom, intimidation, violence, discrimination against women and abortion. "This is how we generate a culture of the feminine, of the place we have to give ourselves, to value ourselves and to show ourselves with our abilities.We deal with all the issues that women occupy," he adds. -he.

The relationship with the male lodges, which in the country are over a hundred years old and include almost all national heroes (see apart), is cordial, and they share the same ideals, but they still work separately. In other countries, like France, there are mixed pavilions, but in the country there is almost none

And even if as an organization it does not exist. there is no position on abortion – among the sisters there are those who are in favor and, they are not unaware of the subject and will give an open discussion next week. "The idea is that all who want to participate are aware of what the law is, how it was done, what are the statistics." As an institution, we are in favor of freedom of conscience and thought, and the accessibility of public health, "says the great teacher

Encuentros.There are three degrees among the Masons: apprentice, journeyman and teacher.The great teacher is voted every three years, Rodríguez Ruiz is the sixth, and their meetings are weekly, and in the "tenidas", as the meetings they lead are called, they study and debate the topics that In the white dress, they use the aprons and necklaces that are characteristic of Freemasonry, and although these meetings are only for the sisters, they also go to the streets, not always as Freemasons, to give lectures or workshops in schools and soup kitchens, for example

and hold annual meetings with other lodges. women in Mar del Plata, Azul, Tandil, Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, Posadas, Tucumán). Next year there will be a meeting in Mexico of all America's Masons.

"Freemasonry is a school of life that serves spiritual and intellectual growth, and what we do with these spaces is simply to invite people to think, to grow in their individual lives. and, therefore, as a society, "explains Rodríguez Ruiz, whose basic principles are those of the French Revolution: freedom, equality and fraternity.They have nothing to do with politics, regardless of the fact that Freemasonry is always badociated with political, economic or social influence of the country

In Argentina, six women opened the women's lodge in 2002, after traveling to Chile. America that was founded, after that of Mexico (see separately) Julieta Lanteri, Cecilia Grierson and Alicia Moreau de Justo are Argentine women who, without being Freemasons – in their time there was no female branch – r represent their ideals.

The French pioneers in the world

France was the first country where women organized and formed their own lodge, and is currently the largest in the world: it brings together 14 A thousand women and its influence is so great that the great teacher is a source of consultation with President Emmanuel Macron. In Spain, there are also many.

In Argentina, the first women interested in Freemasonry went to Chile, the second American country where they organized themselves (the first was Mexico); and they began to sketch the foundations of the Women's Grand Lodge, founded in 2002. There were six women, and almost all of them had relationships with Freemasons, in their professional or family life. Next Sunday, there will be a tribute to two of these six women

Next year, there will be a meeting in Mexico among all American Masons.

Próceres and gobernantes, in the male lodges

The oldest Masonic temple of the country is located in San Nicolás, and dates from 1858. In Argentina, the masons have more than 160 years of history , and among their representatives There are great heroes and politicians: San Martín, Belgrano and Sarmiento are names that are related to Freemasons. Sarmiento even reached the 33rd grade – the highest distinction that a Freemason may have – to become president.

The first official pavilion created in what was the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata was the Independencia Lodge. His teacher was the lawyer Julián Alvarez, who later founded the Lautaro Lodge in Buenos Aires, to which belonged José de San Martín.

Currently, the Grand Lodge Argentina of Free and Accepted Masons has thousands of members, according to their references. His great teacher is Angel Jorge Clavero, a customs broker. In almost all national governments there were Freemasons, but a rule of Freemasonry is that no one can reveal whether another person is part of a lodge or not, only this person

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