The rains will arrive in Santiago this weekend


Heavy rains in the south of the country left a collapsed railway bridge and the Rio Cautin about to overflow .

The southern stretch of the viaduct that connects Padre Las Casas to Temuco was affected by the collapse of the structure, the same as in December 2017 had closed after a study of the company's engineering EFE has determined the need to repair the bridge.

In the metropolitan area also isolated rains fell on Thursday, but it is expected that the strongest will arrive in the following days

During the weekend it should fall near 20 millimeters of precipitation in the metropolitan area . The winds, meanwhile, would reach intensities up to 30 or 50 kilometers per hour .

Meteorologists observe what could happen next week, since on Thursday we expect the rains to return to the capital and in larger quantities.

Winds and rain will also be present in the coast of the central area, where we expect swells and gusts of up to 100 kilometers per hour.

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