The Rancagua Court of Appeal welcomes the release requests and 74 prisoners are released from prison


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The Probation Committee of the Rancagua Court of Appeal – during the second session of the year, from Monday, October 22 to Wednesday, October 24 – badyzed the applications submitted by 179 inmates serving a sentence in prison control centers. of the jurisdiction to apply for parole, a right established by Legislative Decree No. 321 of 1925 and its subsequent amendments

The commission was chaired by Minister Emilio Elgueta and also integrated by Judges María Esperanza Franichevic and Marcela Olave of the Rancagua Criminal Court of First Instance; the magistrates Gianni Libretti and Mauricio Silva of the Rancagüino guarantee court and the clerk of the court of appeal, Hernán González, minister of the faith

After a thorough examination of the context, the commission granted the benefit to 74 inmates (41.3%), who met all the requirements set out in the legal standard. Discharges represent 57.5% of the total (179 petitions) and the remaining 1.2% correspond to two omissions.

Of the inmates who consented to parole, 49 were serving sentences at the penitentiary center. Rancagua; 6, at the Peumo Prison Compliance Center; 11, at the Prison Control Center in Rengo, and 8 at the Santa Cruz Penitentiary Control Center.

The parole reports will be sent to the gendarmerie, so that the prison will release the inmates who have agreed to do so. right.

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