The reaction of the Chilean government to the cases of Palma Salamanca and Harmut Hopp


In the case of the former front, the Ministers of the Interior and Justice criticized France for granting political asylum to Chileans convicted of the murder of Jaime Guzman. Before the doctor of Colonia Dignidad, released a few months ago by the German justice, there was no comment to make in La Moneda.

The strong reaction of the government of Sebastián Piñera against the French government, which granted political asylum to Chileans and his family, contrasts with the silence of a few months ago when the German justice decided to not send to prison Paul Schäfer's collaborator, Harmut Hopp, sentenced in Chile to five years in prison for complicity in the violations and abuses of minors committed in the German enclave

Unlike today when the Ministers of the Interior and Justice, Andrés Chadwick and Hernán Larraín, severely referred to the French decision, there was no previous reaction against Germany, who just denied the extradition of the former settler because he is supposed to serve his sentence in his home country. "France grants political asylum to Palma Salamanca, sentenced hilenos as the material author of the murder of a senator in full democracy.More there is politics on the right, the more left can l & rsquo; When the victim is right, it is so that the institutions are degraded, "wrote Larraín on Twitter.

Upon hearing the decision of the German court, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights did not write on his twitter account that Hopp, whom he had to meet during his Visits to Colonia Dignity will be made public, despite the condemnation and demands of Chilean justice.

The spokesman of the judiciary of Chile, after hearing the decision of the French government, respected his behavior.


It is also striking that neither the government nor the representatives who raised the question of Palma Salamanca, sentenced for the murder of Senator Guzmán in April 1991, do not emphasize that France is one of the representations that no longer has ambbadador since the taking office of President Sebastián Piñera. The others are Italy, India, Palestine, Ethiopia and Uruguay.

If the topic of Palma Salamanca was also relevant, as the statements of the pro-government representatives have shown, it would have even been the subject of the meeting between Piñera and Macron. the experts wonder how it is possible that the government did not send an ambbadador to Paris to direct the French authorities.

While the political asylum, which confers refugee status on the former frontist, does not stop the extradition trial if it makes it practically unachievable.

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