The registration process begins to receive payment of compensation


Until September 30, those who are not beneficiaries of IPS or Banco Estado clients (who have a current account, a RUT account and an electronic checkbook) must register on to receive the $ 7,000.

Starting this week and until September 30, the deadline will be extended so that people who are not monthly beneficiaries of IPS or Banco Estado clients (who have a current account, a RUT account and an electronic checkbook) site, and thus be able to collect the $ 7,000 corresponding to tissue compensation.

A universe of about 3 and a half million consumers must sign up to withdraw the money from August 1, go to any place in CajaVecina, or they can opt for the transfer.

Consumers who are monthly beneficiaries of IPS (about 2 million people) or Banco Estad customers or (about 9 million users) will receive the payment of compensation automatically, without need for registration, as of that date according to a calendar to report.

SERNAC Regional Director (s), Eduardo Pérez Molina, explained that the payment implementation is a complex process, so that they have coordinated with different public services, " so that consumers, especially the most vulnerable and remote areas, access to compensation.In addition, we took all the security guards for the processing of data and transactions related to the process, "he said. Explain.

"Whatever the amount, we here claim the right of consumers to a fair and transparent market, the authority."

The director (s) invited consumers to Inform and register if they are part of the general public in order to exercise their right to compensation.

Users can register from no. Any computer, mobile device or mobile phone with internet access Those who do not have access can go to Biblioredes, ChileAtiende, the offices of SERNAC and in about 200 municipalities that have an agreement with the Service.

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