The replacement of the traffic lights in Isla Teja will result in a reduction of traffic on a busy avenue in November | National


The semaphore standardization project will force the total transit of from Los Robles Avenue and part of the Los Laureles Street in the Isla Teja area of ​​Valdivia for nearly a year. A week in November.

work of the fourth stage of the project "Normalization of traffic lights" conducted in Valdivia in order to replace the old devices by other modern by cables installed underground.

At this stage, the transport and telecommunications company Seremi Marcela Villenas, from Los Ríos, told La Radio that from the morning of to 11 November [theafternoonof11November vehicles will be completely cut off on Los Robles Avenue and Los Laureles Street, which will also result in the disqualification of car traffic, but only partially.

That is why, from the wallet, were designed detours where To move to Isla Teja, take the street Los Laureles and Las Encinas, then the street Los Lingues.

People coming from the coast will have to move in Los Lingues street, then in Los Lingues street. Pelúes, then Pedro de Valdivia bridge, and those who wish to leave the Southern University can do it only by Calle Los Lingues. 30-cu-devvios-villenas.mp3

Due to the complexity of road interruptions, the authority called for the understanding of the Valdivians who usually take this route, adding that they will add signage and will have coordination with Carabineros will control traffic in the area

It should be noted that this Tuesday was the lighting of the first traffic lights installed as part of this project, which are located at the intersection of the street. Arauco with Beauchef


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