The repudiation of the missionary legislature to dismissals at the Telam press agency


  Transfer of the Missionary Legislature to dismissals at the Telam Press Agency

Finally, when two plans for dismissal and solidarity with the dismissed workers were presented, the repudiation of the dismissals of the workers was approved by majority. the workers of the official News Telam agency, without accompanying the legislators of the interlocked Let's change that he claimed the unification of projects when it had already been voted.

One of the projects was submitted by the PAyS bloc that requested treatment on the repudiation boards for the dismissal, by the national government, of more than 300 workers from the agency. Telam state information, officiating as MP Martin Sereno.

Also at the time the renovator member Rafael Pereyra Pigerl, presented a project in the same direction, developed jointly with his peers from the block Roque Gervasoni and Héctor Escobar, solidarity joining the dismissed workers of the agency of Official press, adding with a clean project the renovator MP Lucas Cáceres, emphasizing Pereyra Pigerl that the Agencia de Noticias Telam, was created on April 14, 1945 by the former president Juan Domingo Perón.

In his speech, the President of the PAyS bloc, Martín Sereno, recalled that President Mauricio Macri, a few days after taking office, repealed the Law on Audiovisual Communication Services by decree, "l & # 39; one of the most controversial laws in history ", marking a line of communication that threatened the plurality of voices and supported the concentration of the media.

Noting that under the "brutal adjustment 260,000 workers" were fired by the state-owned and private companies, pointing out that many people fired from the Telam agency, "are workers with more than 35 years of work ", mentioning the evocation of the communication warned by Pope Francis. "

Although they did not eventually accompany the repudiation projects to the layoffs of the Telam agency, those who went out to defend the national government of Cambiemos were radical deputies of the 39, interblock, as it is happening since the beginning of the current session

For interjected Cambiemos, took the post to meet the deputies Sereno and Pereyra Pigerl, the radical legislator Javier Mela, who recalled that this Thursday was a new anniversary of the overthrow in 1966 of the former radical resident Arturo Illia by General Juan Carlos Onganía with the "complicity" of the Peronist leader Augusto Timoteo Vandor

Also the deputies Walter Molina and Ariel Pianessi (UCR ) found themselves at the crossroads of deputies who repudiated the dismissal of workers by the national government, arguing that Pianessi that deputies criticize the government The national government should s take care of provincial problems and emphasize that "it is not all the fault of Mauricio Macri, it is not the fault of Cambiemos".

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