The rules of gold if you want to cure varicose veins


Although varicose veins can develop in any vein, they often have their origin in the legs. In addition, to be clbadified as an unsightly sign, because it has among the main factors that affect its appearance, genetic inheritance, age, sedentary lifestyle and overweight are the main ones.

This unsightly condition is usually very common in people of middle and adult age.

For Dr. Miguel Angel Gramajo Booth, Phlebologist, Argentine Phlebologist, Member of the American College of Phlebology, Winter "is a good time to treat varicose veins because not being exposed to the sun can recover d & # 39; A better way Currently, there are several treatments for combating varicose veins that, in addition to being unattractive, also warn of a health problem.If we take care of them on time we can avoid even surgery. "

Such is the case, restorative phlebotherapy is a treatment that involves restoring or healing the diseased or dilated vein with the painless introduction of a natural preparation that strengthens and tones the wall of the vein allowing the blood to circulate normally again.

While in extreme cases, a minimally invasive procedure with immediate ambulation may be necessary in order to resolve valvular insufficiency, but still maintain the vein, explained the specialist

However, all of this must be accompanied home care, to improve treatment and be effective. Take a look at these recommendations:


Among its most characteristic symptoms we find:

-Excending inflamed descent
-Burning Strict and heavy in the lower limbs
] – Pain and cramps in the legs
– Clogging around the affected veins
– Bleeding varicose veins
– Changes in the skin or hardening of the vein

What to do?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best complement to both cure varicose veins and delay their onset. This involves making some changes in the daily routine and removing some "bad habits" that affect the circulation.

-Avoid the usual postures: The appearance of varicose veins is very common in people or who are either sitting or standing for a long time, so it is ideal to take at least a few minutes to move the legs and feet, or change your posture.

– Raise your legs: A very easy exercise that helps cure varicose veins is the elevation of the legs. This activity relaxes the muscles and facilitates the return of blood to the upper part of the body. Therefore, it is advisable to do it every day after completing the work day.

-Good exercise: the practice of any sports activity has many advantages both in terms of circulatory health and weight. Therefore, if the goal is to cure varicose veins, it is very beneficial to follow a regular workout routine.

-Apply a mbadage: One of the therapeutic methods to stimulate blood flow in the lower limbs are relaxing mbadages. Because of their ability to improve circulation, they are a good option to minimize the appearance of these bulging veins.

-Take a cold shower: Warm showers relax and relieve fatigue. However, those who are caught with cold water are more beneficial against this problem and in turn calm the heaviness and inflammation.

-Avoid tight clothing: Clothing that is close to the body is not recommended when venous varicose veins exist. Even, its use in general is not advisable, since they exert a pressure on the area and make the return difficult. bear from the leg to the heart.

-Improved Food: A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and dietary fiber can do a lot to cure varicose veins. Foods that contain these nutrients optimize circulation and protect cardiovascular health.

– Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco: Excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco has many negative effects on the body. One of them is the appearance of circulatory problems and varicose veins. Its toxins damage the arteries and make the pbadage of blood difficult.

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