The rumor of the arrival of an Amiibo of Diablo III


The long-awaited release of Diablo III for Nintendo Switch has attracted a lot of interest from all fans of the saga and the versatile console of the Japanese house. Thus, in search of more information before its release was found with what appears to be an Amiibo for this game.

Specialists in reviewing internal video game data were able to find traces from what can be up to three types of Amiibo for Diablo III: Eternal Collection. These were clbadified in the categories Amiibo normal or defect, Treasure Goblin Amiibo and finally Demon Amiibo. that this would be controlled by the game server and that it is not corrected, probably to overcome a mission and get treasures.

Demon Amiibo, by contrast, seems to give players the opportunity to summon. and face a powerful demon for various benefits, as is common in the epic battles of this game.

As it is usually natural in this type of relationship, this news can only be ascertained with certainty by parties involved. (or the same users) can confirm or deny the existence of these characteristics for this version.

However, responsible sources believe that the announcement of these ibos will be given in the coming days, which fits perfectly with the celebration of the BlizzCon 2018 this weekend, where we can see the announcement official of these Amiibos and its real characteristics.

For users of Diablo III who have acquired the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket will receive the Mini-Azmodan mascot who will accompany it in all their adventures, which expires in a few days with the rest of the gifts offered by Blizzard for their event .

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