The sad story of the driver who takes his wife with Alzheimer's disease to the collective because no one can take care of it – 07/11/2018


In his humble home in Coquimbo, Chile, Mario Núñez fights for the dream of letting him go and let him start the day. He is still in the bed and his body is begging him to rest for a few more minutes. He is 71 and deserves to spend the entire morning after so many years of work but his difficult economic situation and the harsh illness that affects his wife require him to get up, every mornings at 5.30 pm .

After being prepared, Mario does the same with Fresia, his wife and the love of his life for nearly three decades. Disadvantaged by an aggressive Alzheimer's disease that dominates and deteriorates day by day, she no longer has autonomy and no longer has any connection to reality. That's why Mario does not have any to continue working to keep his medications on the safe side. However, having no one with whom to leave her, he must take her to work.

  Fresia is 65 years old and has been suffering from Alzheimer's disease for 4 years. Her health is so fragile that she has no autonomy and her husband has to help him for everything.

Fresia is 65 years old and has been suffering from Alzheimer's disease for 4 years. Her health is so fragile that she has no autonomy and her husband has to help him for everything.

"It's cold or hot, or whatever the weather, I have to take it up, I'm sorry to do it, because I see her sleeping and sleeping, I do not want her, I put her clothes on, brush my teeth, I have to take her to the bathroom and clean her when she needs them because she is not autonomous to do her business " she told the newspaper El día de Chile, driver who, once ready, gets on the bus with his wife in the first place and drives her for ten hours

This sad story became famous thanks to a Facebook user who met Mario and his wife when they took collective. He shared pictures of him and his long struggle with the disease. "I got on the bus and every day is a different story … But this one hurts … The woman who goes to bed is the driver 's wife, she is suffering from the disease. Alzheimer's and must unfortunately work with her because of her retirement they do not have enough to live … Not even to pay someone to take care of her ", she said, and the story became viral.

  The story became viral and thanks to that, they received help from a foundation.

The story became viral and thanks to that, they received help from a foundation. "To work with his wife in these conditions," concluded the girl in her publication.

Interviewed by a trans-Andean newspaper, the driver explained how difficult life was for him: "I fell off the bus, sometimes he goes to sleep or he's cold, he wants to go to the toilet and he must do it in a jar (…), I have to exhaust all means to fulfill my obligation as a couple (…), I knocked several doors ask for the help, but I have not received any response. "

" I fell off the bus, he sleeps sometimes or cold, he wants to go to the bathroom and he has to do it in a jar, "explained Mario. ] Discouraged, Mario said he had a hard time continuing to help his wife: "I took care of her Yes, but the situation made me very heavy, that m '. has a lot of stress and I do not give more (…) There are times that make me want to eliminate ourselves. "

At the same time, he added that He did everything out of love for his wife: "What's happening is that my ability to take care of her is not the best because I've collapsed." I do not want to get rid of my wife because I like her a lot. I was born to a woman and that is why I respect them. They give us life, they take care of us babies until we become independent people, so how could I not love them? (…) It was born, from the inside, it is not an obligation. "

" I do not want to get rid of my mistress because I like her a lot. I was born to a woman and that's why I respect them, "explained Mario about his plight.

He also explained how his wife's illness had affected his life:" I came to this house without speaking to anyone, I lost my life. social, I do not listen to music, I do not watch television, I only devote myself to it and try to sleep so I can rest at least half a day. time in bed. It's our daily life. "

" In the house, I do not rest. I do not know what it's like to nap or go to town calmly, for example, because your illness does not allow it. She is everywhere troubled and with more reason if she sees many people (…) but I understand her, only I know what she needs, at the right time ", added Mario. 19659016] He also explained that he received a lot of support from the pbadengers, but some make fun of their mistress and that is what hurts the most. "At my age, I can not not confront a young person which poses a problem. "It's better to be deaf," he said.

In search of help, Núñez contacted various agencies such as the National Service for Seniors (Senama), the National Service for the Advancement of Women and Gender Equality (SernamEG ) and the municipality of La Serena itself After the viralization of the story, Fresia got help and the Las Rosas Foundation offered a house for her to be neat.

Alzheimer's Disease, an Incurable Disease [19659021] Alzheimer's Disease is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior . The symptoms usually develop slowly and worsen over time, until they become so severe that they interfere with the tasks. every day

  A blood test could predict the risk of illness as a possible source of Alzheimer's disease

. A blood test could help predict the risk of an illness as a possible cause of Alzheimer's disease

About today, l Alzheimer's have no treatment, but there are treatments for the available symptoms and ongoing research. Although current treatments for Alzheimer's disease can not stop the progression of the disease, they can slow down symptoms for a while and improve the quality of life for people with Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's and their caregivers.

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