The sale of cell phones collapses in the world: who is most affected | News instantly from


Mobile phone sales fell 6% overall in the third quarter of the year, during which time 355.2 million computers were sold, compared to 377.8 million in the same quarter in 2017, according to a report

Samsung, the world's largest smartphone maker, was the most affected by this trend, with a 13.4% drop in sales in a year, according to a report by the US consulting firm IDC .


The South Korean company's market share decreased from 22.1% to 20.3%, a move opposed to that of the Chinese company Huawei, which recorded growth of 32.9% and was consolidated the world's second largest maker of mobile phones (with a market share of 14.6%).

Apple, the only US company among the top five manufacturers, increased its sales by 0.5% with a sale of 46.9% of its three new computers (iPhone XS Max, iPhone XS and iPhone XR) .

The Apple company is followed by the Chinese company Xiaomi, whose sales rose by 21.2%, and by OPPO, down 2.1%.

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