The second phase of the Packaged Food Labeling Act began to govern


H as
two years began to govern the law of labeling, for the purpose of
improve the health of each Chilean.

Yesterday began to govern his
second phase, in which the authorized limits
sodium, sugar, calories and saturated fats in foods. This one
regulations require black octagons on packaged products
high content of critical nutrients.

The Minister of Health, Emilio Santelices, reiterated that the law
essential to improve the health of the country. "We all need
fight this scourge of obesity, which leads us to
our country has a worrying number of chronic diseases, "
he explained.

estimated that with new demands, 80% of these foods
I would take the black marker. Until now, the calories allowed by 100
grams was 350, but as of today, the limit will be 300 calories.

In the case of sodium, the limit will be reduced from 800 mg to 500 mg per 100 grams of
food sugars, from 22.5 grams to 15 grams, and fats
saturated 6 to 5 grams.

Magallanes Ministry of Health informed that
The ultimate goal is to be able to generate healthy eating habits and
Contribute to the reduction of high rates of overweight and obesity.

his share, the person in charge of the food unit, the Seremi of
Salud, Alex Lucero, said that "the law had the characteristic of being
phased implementation, so since its entry into force,
The gradual implementation of the limits established for
critical nutrients (calories, saturated fat, sugars and

Therefore, Lucero indicated that the third stage would come into force on the 26th.
June 2019, where the final nutritional limits will be fixed
critics who should contain food (see box).

@ JesúsNieves

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