the "secret" of Camila Cabello, Selena Gómez and other celebrities


Instagram Stories is one of the most popular options of the famous photo sharing application.

Since its creation two years ago, it has more than 300 million active users every day, according to data revealed by the company itself. Last year.

But if the stories revolutionized Instagram, a new application revolutionized in turn the tories of of this social network

it's called ] Unfold and at the time of writing this note has more than 11 million users and has a growth rate of up to 100,000 downloads per day, according to data from the company and other consultants such as Sensor. Tours.

And all this in just ten months of life.

  Mobile phone screen with various apps for Instagram.

Getty Images
Unfold works with other apps, but in Instagram, Stories is where it's most used, they reveal their c

Part of the success is due to the use of artists such as Selena Gómez Camila Cabello or the footballer Sergio Ramos . ] But it is the same for the advantages it offers and a good campaign of m to rketing using influencers to popularize it.

Why? different

The idea of ​​Unfold is simple: to make available to the user specific models to illustrate the s tories ] from Facebook, Snapchat and especially from Instagram, Camila Cabello frequently climbs s tories and posts edited with Unfold. p / BmhXaaEDCAl /

The models are easily modifiable and adapt to the size of the videos or photos that we want to share.

It also includes different fonts which Instagram Stories offers, with a very neat and professional design, and allows to copy and paste texts that are not in the application .

The idea is to be able to customize your s tory so that it reflects in the best possible way what you want to transmit, show or sell.

How it works

The application is available for free in the Apple App Store and more recently in the Google Play Store for mobile devices and devices with the system of Android operation. It also offers payment options that you can access in the application .

And once you have opened Unfold, you can save, take pictures and start edit in a simple way using the menu. from the bottom.

Unfold also provides a preview of history on Instagram before publishing it. . You can also save it on your reel.

To download it, you simply have to go to Instagram Stories and access the reel option to choose the image or the video modified with Unfold that you want to download.

A multi-million-dollar company created by two and a half years

The success of Unfold has already generated US $ 2.3 million to date compared to l .

But behind this year later ] there is not a technological giant, but two young people of 25 and 23 years. Alfonso Cobo and Andy McCune, respectively

  Unfold app logo

Unfold was launched in January by two twenty-year-olds and is already generating more than two US dollars.

Cobo, a Spanish who studied architecture in the United Kingdom, tried to create a portfolio of his works through an application .

He did not find it and that is how the idea was born.

] But it was after meeting McCune, a young American creative expert from m to rketing through the s Instagram Instagram] , who both joined the group to create Unfold.

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