The Senate unanimously passed imprescriptible sexual offenses against minors


Unanimously (39 votes) and aware of the need to put an end to this painful reality, the Upper House generally supported the bill, in the first constitutional process, which provides for indiscriminate bad crimes against minors.

The idea, according to Senator Francisco Huenchumilla, chairman of the Constitution Commission in charge of project badysis, is that after the approval of the idea to legislate, senators can make a contribution to improving important regulations.

it was agreed to receive instructions until Monday, July 23, and that the United Nations Constitutional Commission and the Special Committee on Children's and Young Persons' Bills would consider the motion. As he progressed, the retroactivity of the standard was to be lifted.

The project was initiated by Senators Jaime Quintana and Ximena Rincón and former Senators Patricio Walker and Fulvio Rossi and aims to emphasize the extreme gravity that for our legislation they have crimes of a badual connotation committed against minors, allowing those who have been victims of these badaults to denounce their perpetration and perpetrators when they are truly ready to do so and face it, without incurring the danger that legal actions to enforce accountability have prescribed, leaving with impunity the facts that marked them throughout his life.

During the debate Senators Ximena Rincón, Francisco Huenchumilla, Caroline Goic, Jaime Quintana, Jose Durana, Pedro Araya, Víctor Pérez Varela, Andrés Allamand, Quindos of Rabindranath, Alejandro Guillier, Felipe H Arboe, Alfonso De Urresti, Felipe Kast , Juan Ignacio Latorre, Isabel Allende, Juan Pablo Letelier, Carmen Gloria Aravena, Ena Von Baer, ​​Alvaro Elizalde, Ricardo Lagos Weber, and the Minister of Justice, Hernán Larraín

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