The seventh edition of Marketing Day will take place


On August 2nd, a new edition of Marketing Day will be held, the most important exhibition of trends and innovations in the country. This will be the seventh edition organized by the Association of Marketing Leaders (ADM) and, as in previous years, prominent speakers from around the world and the region will participate.

This event to be held at the Radisson Montevideo Hotel brings together hundreds of directors, executives and experts, is an excellent opportunity to update and catch up with the latest trends in marketing.

One of the speakers of this edition will be the American Ana Sordo, whose dissertation will be on "Content, SEO and feedback from On the other hand, Leandro Vázquez will talk about" What Pikachu has left us. "Vázquez is the academic director of IAB Colombia and has over 15 years of experience in the field in both Latin America and Europe.The topic to be discussed is the following: commitment and how brands can enter the waves of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

The Argentine Carlos Mazalán is a pioneer of communications and public relations in business, technology and entertainment in Latin America, founded his company in 1994 and since then has served more than 450 companies, chambers and industry badociations including: Google, Netflix, etc. Mazalán will talk about "The way of digital transformation. "

Hernan B urak is part of the Facebook development team and has over 10 years of experience in the advertising industry. His speech will be a futuristic look at marketing and business.

"Insolence: a new business model in organic marketing." This is the title of the conference of the Chilean entrepreneur Matías Leiva, who was trapped by debts that he could not pay, created the company that sells trailing foods, with $ 6,000 stayed in his pocket, then his life changed forever.

Then, the founder of Clean Energy (Chile), Andrea Irarrazaval, will talk about the business generated by ecology. Clean Energy is dedicated to reducing CO2 emissions and other gases to promote sustainable development.

Finally, Uruguayan Nicolás Ovalle will give a lecture titled "Welcome to Micro-entertainment". Ovalle is founder and CEO of Spotlike. The company operates in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile and Colombia.

Those who want to register can call 29025611 or do it via the following link

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