The speech of Bonomi | Aggression, murder, cocaine, Consumption, growth, Organized crime, Crimes, Statistics, prosecutors, Homicide, Jorge Vázquez, Judges, Lola Chomnalez, Ministers, drug traffickers, Executive, Police, president, robbery, Theft, Security, Tabaré Vázquez , Violence


Ministers are part of executive power. It is they who decide, those who execute, those who do it.

Parliamentarians, on the other hand, are the ones who talk, discuss and discuss any policy that ministers implement or plan to implement. In this sense, Eduardo Bonomi is weird. He is a minister, but he speaks a lot, a lot, as much or more than most parliamentarians. And to his statements are added those of his closest collaborators.

In his arguments there are some fixed ideas: the crime has gone down, or has not gone down but has made its rate of growth, or is about to go down; security levels are acceptable and the country is among the safest; Homicides are committed by criminals against criminals and do not affect "ordinary people". This discourse usually rests on two pillars: sociological statistics and interpretations

Over the years, the Minister's speech has seen a few small changes. In September 2012, Bonomi said that the majority of homicides were committed by family members, couples, friends and neighbors: "It is difficult for Uruguayan society to recognize that the family space, designed to affection, protection and care, But in February 2013, Bonomi announced that the majority of homicides were due to account adjustments between criminals. He added that 40% of the dead had a criminal history, initiating a scenario that continues today. In July 2014, before the murder of the father of "El Reja" at Giant, Deputy Minister Jorge Vázquez said: "If you are not a criminal organized crime and do not have any family problems In April 2015, when asked about why there were so many murders not yet laundered, Bonomi said that the murders that are not clarified are the adjustments to the killings. account, which are more difficult to investigate.But in the same month, questioned about the unresolved crime of Lola Chomnalez, Argentina who was a tourist and not a delinquent, Bonomi told the radio Montecarlo: "the work the police was good (…) I am satisfied with the "

The evolution of the number of flights and flights is another common theme of the minister (and the press), even though we know all that many of these crimes are not reported. In April 2015 and on the promise of President Vázquez to lower by 30% the flight, Bonomi said: "I work to achieve the goal". And he claimed to be optimistic. And he added, "Being optimistic does not mean that we give total security."

In October 2015, Bonomi told Telenoche that the promise to reduce by 30% the flights can be satisfied, but it can not be put date In June 2017, in the search, said that could be close to the promise because "the projection determines next year a decrease of 24% of the flight, very close to the goal." A month later, at a press conference, Bonomi claimed that the number of flights did not increase, although it did not fall either.

In February 2018, Bonomi told La Diaria that he was working to fulfill the promise of reducing the flight by 30%. "But hey, you can not force the promise." As for sociological interpretations, Bonomi began his tenure by informing that before flying to buy and now buy brand champions.

In August 2017, Bonomi said In Perspectiva that one of the causes of more murders is that "the conflicts between the criminals, where some time ago they were shot with shots under the waist, are now given above "

More recently, Busqueda stated that the violence had increased because the Uruguayans were better off and were consuming more cocaine:" The drug gangs, which traditionally operated in the pulp market At the beginning, we must now fight over that of cocaine, a drug with a higher price, and consequently, like it or not, from the increase in the consumption capacity of the Uruguayans, who produce dough based on cocaine. "

Sometimes one thing is said, then the other. In April 2015, and after the murder of a taxi driver, Bonomi told the Monte Carlo radio that "take money out of the street" and promote other forms of payment " would be a good measure. But recently, his second Jorge Vázquez told El Observador that since debit cards have circulated less money, criminals must commit more badaults.

Another recurring point in Bonomi's speech is to emphasize what victims have done wrong, that they often can not defend themselves because they have just been murdered. In August 2014, before the murder of Melissa Ruggiero in a dance at Sauce, Bonomi said the dance venue was precarious. "Something is wrong" when young people agree to go dancing in unauthorized places.

In July 2016, regarding a burglary that occurred at Senator Veronica Alonso's house, Bonomi said they had left an open window. In October, after the murder of Heriberto Prati – a neighbor of Carrasco Norte who tried to prevent a friend from being badaulted – Bonomi said that "whoever is stolen with a weapon in sight, I think that It is not convenient to resist "

In July 2017 and before the badbadination of a police officer who was making a changa as a guardian and was shot while trying to get away with it. stop an badault in a pizzeria in Pocitos, Jorge Vázquez loaded the ink on the owner of the bar and the dead, since the changa was not in the regulations: "If someone commits a policeman to perform a secret security task (…) harms the police. " Recently, Interior Ministry officials leaked information that a trader killed in Salto was actually selling base dough. The family announced that she would sue those who propagate the false version, including a deputy from the Bonomi area.

The minister does not seem to think that his messages may seem like a justification for criminals: "If you do not want to be stolen, it closes the windows." "I killed him, but it was just a settlement of account. "" S / he wants them to not kill him, that he does not do military work after hours. "" If you do not want to be killed, do not Do not be handsome when I aim you. "" Fucking to sell drugs in the store. "

That's another constant. Bonomi's address to everyone except criminals. criticized the press, prosecutors and judges He has repeatedly advised honest citizens: do not leave the window open, do not resist the rapist, do not go to unauthorized dances, do not do rounds supervisors, hand out leaflets to teens so that they do not provoke the thief in high school and speeches were ridden for the workers to learn to behave in aggression. For the offenders, however, Bonomi never tells them anything

Recently, in Chile, they killed a rifleman. President Piñera and his Minister of the Interior went to the hospital where the policeman agonized after being shot. "This crime will not go unpunished," said the Chilean president, headline of the entire press. The Colombian Attorney General said the same thing about Ecuadorian journalists murdered in their country by a dissident FARC arm: "The killing of the three Ecuadorians will not go unpunished." This is nothing extraordinary. This is what is expected of a Attorney General or Minister of the Interior in cases of this kind.

However, it is a phrase that you never hear in the mouth of Bonomi or his team. When Liberaij's Porteños killed Agent Cancela in front of Channel 12, the then Collegiate President of the Senate, Washington Beltrán, went in the wake. On the other hand, President Tabaré Vázquez has not gone to bury any of the many police officers killed by criminals in recent times. Several of them Minister Bonomi denied them even the funeral honors.

During his term, Bonomi reiterated again and again that Uruguay is one of the safest countries in America with Chile and Costa Rica. The reality is that we already have more murders per capita than Argentina. We are about to be like El Salvador or Guatemala, according to the police chief. "We have fallen – declared Mario Layera to The Observer – in a social anomie in which the laws are not respected and nobody wants to apply them strictly."

Like Bonomi, Layera does not seem to have thought about how her message would be decoded offenders, who also read, watch TV and listen to the radio. It is an entire speech composed of what is said and what is not. Who is criticized and who is not. For words, gestures and silences. This may be an important part of the problem.


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