The strategy that the Frente Amplio will present to push the dismissal of the attorney Abbott | National


The first excerpt from the brief urged by the Frente Amplio to attempt to remove the national prosecutor Jorge Abbott, delivered Tuesday, sets out the series of meetings between lawyers defending the SQM and Penta defendants on January 20, 2017.

these antecedents and others, the parliamentarians of this coalition have filed an application for referral to the Supreme Court where they accuse him of a notable abandonment of duties and of having imposed the " doctrine of impunity "in case of political corruption.

In particular, in the second case of "obvious negligence in the performance of their duties" they emphasize the hearing between Abbott and the lawyer Rodrigo Zegers, who represents Santiago Valdés, charged in the Penta case ] and who was the right arm of President Sebastián Piñera in his main branch of investment: Bancard.

During this meeting, Marta Herrera, director of the unit specializing in the fight against corruption, also participated in this meeting. in addition to the director of the Special Unit on Money Laundering, Economic Crime, Environmental and Organized Crime of the National Prosecutor's Office.

Further to the Crown's records, another meeting, attended by Abbott, the same officials, and the lawyer Samuel Donoso who defended one of the principal defendants in the case SQM: Patricio Contesse former general manager of non-metallic mining .

In addition, the context also added the controversial meeting held by the highest authority of the prosecutor's office in December 2017 with the senator of the UDI, Hernán Larraín now Minister of Justice . There, he spoke of the need to speed up the criminal process to which one of the accused was subjected, Senator Iván Moreira, "given the convenience of minimizing the quorums needed" to the Congress.

In this sense, the text questions in pbading that Abbott's "Attorney Attorney" had already been disqualified from knowing the so-called Penta case, alluding to the kinship relationship with the chairman of the board of directors. administration of said economic group, his cousin brother Alfredo Moreno Charm ", who is currently Minister of Social Development of the Piñera administration.

In closing, they added their controversial statements of April 24 in its third public account, questioning the role of prosecutors and referring to investigations of improper funding of the policy.

"In an equally legitimate manner, events involving companies, some of their political party leaders and activists in the event of irregular campaign funding have had an impact on the community, particularly in a community. context where some time ago it was legislated, precisely, to avoid the influence of money on politics, "he said that day, which prompted criticism of all sectors.

Meanwhile, it is expected that the brief presented by Frente Amplio will be discussed Friday at the meeting of the plenary session of the Supreme Court, where it will be known whether the presentation is accepted or not. 19659011] Front broad divided

At present, the situation has undressed the differences within the conglomerate, after the Democratic Revolution and the Liberal Party were removed from the document's signature.

Although that humanist MP Tomás Hirsch downplayed this point by claiming that the questioning of Jorge Abbott's role is supported by different political sectors, including members of the old new majority.

In fact, indeed in the application the signatures of deputies Cristina Girardi (PPD), Emilia are included Nuyado (PS), Carmen Hertz and Hugo Gutiérrez (PC).

In as much, it was impossible to obtain a declaration of the Democratic Revolution on the subject. No cell phone paid with funds from the House has been answered. They have only limited to hanging on social networks a statement that they sign as a bench.

Through him, they point out that the actions of the public prosecutor's office are unacceptable, which is why they understand the reasons of their counterparts in the Frente Amplio, but warn that the dismissal of Abbott is facing an unfavorable legal institution.

Given this, as a bench of the Democratic Revolution, they prefer to execute bills that make the root of the problem visible and end with impunity.

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