The strong confrontation between Cathy Barriga, Raquel Argandoña and Polo Ramírez on Channel 13 | TV and show


A moment of tension was experienced this morning at Welcome when the program panel began to speak about a new controversy of the mayor of Maipú Cathy Barriga .

On the occasion, they commented on the criticism received by the authority for a book with documents supporting the public account of the municipality, where their photos are repeated on all the pages of the text . This made the Controller of the Republic, issued a notice asking him to stop "excessive use" of his image in the official campaigns of the commune.

In the middle of the conversation, Raquel Argandoña she said that she had learned, from very reliable sources, that the mayor's office was not hiring more "pretty women" Than Barriga.

This generated indignation from the mayor, who immediately called the program to clarify both issues. "I found it terrible and the most stupid thing I've ever heard, what you said about how I could not hire people taller or thinner than me. " The truth is that I work with serious things, I find it not serious and I also want to clarify it, "he said.

For his part, Argandoña, said that he knew that this question was going to disturb Barriga, "because that's true." Yesterday, the program communicated with you so that we could have a dialogue, but could not communicate, it was enough to say something that bothered him so that his team could call and say that now he wanted to speak (.. .) But you know I'm right and I know it's true, "he said.

After interrupting Raquel, Cathy says that it is a problem that bothers her because they talk about women and "I am the first female mayor who makes decisions for the benefit of women. "

"The truth is that there are a lot of bad intentions here and if I tell you that it's the biggest mistake I've heard, it's because it's the greatest stupidity I've ever heard. I'm tired of the same rumors about women " he was convicted. "It's a lack of respect, not for me, but for women," he said.

After another tense moment when Raquel and Cathy interrupted and Tonka Tomicic had to intervene, Argandoña resumed the question of the public account, and badured that he could not believe that 48 million pesos had been spent as the member said. Pablo Vidal, in this case, who was denied by Barriga, who added that the support material questioned cost four million pesos.

After Barriga defended his leadership, and badured that he was promoted only by social networks, where he is free, Polo Ramírez spoke and he consulted on some images that appear on his Instagram account, clearly used to make known his silhouette.

"Where do the funds come from to pay people who design this advertisement? Because it's an advertisement that you disclose for free through their social networks, but that's precisely what kind of thing, who is he questioned the controller .

Before that, Barriga said that the municipality saves hundreds of millions because they do not spend on stationery, and that the material that appears on their Instagram, it reproduces it from the official accounts of the municipality.

When Tonka and Polo tried to cross-examine, Barriga asked to be able to continue talking. "I ask Polo more respect, because if we talk about respect for women, then we go there " says Cathy, causing the journalist's anger

" Sorry, mayor, but do not throw yourself. On the ground. No one has disrespected him, "said Ramirez, who said he would not speak anymore.

After finishing contact, Polo showed his discomfort. " I consider that it's a good thing. is unacceptable, that an authority uses her status of woman not to answer or answer what she wanted. That's the kind of question I would ask a woman, a man, I do not care about her bad. That's the role we have as a journalist, "he added.

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