The strong debate between Cathy Barriga and Raquel Argandoña


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This Friday Cathy Barriga referred to the controller's resolution that restricts the use of the mayor's image to promote the activities of the municipality.

This problem caused the mayor and Raquel Argandoña to meet through a telephone call to Bienvenido

" Above all Raquel … I heard something that I found terrible, the stupidest thing I've heard The truth is that I work with serious things, I do not live up to rumors, but I find it ungainly, I've never heard anything like it [19659008]"Commented the mayor.

To add afterwards" my work is something that I do every day with respect and I am very struck by what he just said. "However, Argandoña did not remain silent and said: "I knew the mayor, Cathy, I will tell you because you are very close to the people who live in Maipú, I knew it was going to bother you because that Is true and you know that the things that characterize me are that I am very sincere, I will not reveal the source because it makes sense and you know it's true . "

In addition, he stated that but their advisers ". At this Barriga said that he had no advisors but a team.

Argandoña said that Bienvenidos communicated Thursday to have a contact, but it was enough for him to say something that bothered her for what they say yes. However, the mayor asked to be allowed to speak

But this was not the only meeting the mayor had because she also played in an argument with Polo Ramírez, who l? even called to respect women, where the reporter He said that he had already talked a lot and that at no time was he disrespectful.

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