The study determines what is the most common surname in Chile and those of the rest of Latin America – International


  The study determines what is the most common family name in Chile and those of the rest of Latin America

According to research, most surnames in the region are patronymic, c & # 39; 39; that is to say, they derive from the name of the etymological father Tvn


The site Forebears established through a study that is the most common surname in Chile and in the rest of the Latin American countries. In this order, it was possible to prove that the so-called "Spanish surnames", which are derivations of the father's name, are the leaders of the list.

The web that did the research added the etymological origin of each name, which says Etymological Comparative Dictionary of Spanish, Latin American and Filipino surnames of the third edition of Gutierre Tibón

  mapa. pg  

As can be seen, in Chile as in Argentina, Paraguay and Panama, the last name that is repeated is González.

Verifies the etymology of González: "Patronímico de Gonzalo, Gonzalvo, native of the Germanic gundisalv, coming from gundis, extension of the theme gund," fight "," fight "," fight ", which is badociated of alv, gothic alfs, "elf", spirit of nature or elf of nordic mythology. […] Can be translated as "elf of battle" or "genie of combat" (Tibón, 1956)


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