The subject that remained fugitive and with a large file was stopped by carabiniers


Ladrón de la Magisterio fell: The subject Who remained fugitive and with a long list was arrested by Carabineros

July 6, 2018 // National, Police, Society

The mischief days in the area of ​​the teaching population resulted in a subject that kept neighbors alert for the continuing thefts of vehicle accessories that it had perpetrated.

With a large criminal record and two pending cases, he was repeatedly searched two months ago by the staff of the Police Investigation Section (SIP) of the first police station, for which he had been fully identified

. After a preventive patrol organized specifically to reduce crime and the perception of insecurity, Unit motorists, spotted the subject by walking the streets of Pablo Picbado with Nespolo, immediately recognizing, on the basis of provided by the SIP, why which, they submitted to an identity check, getting his arrest immediately, to keep two cases pending, the first of June 20 of this year or, for the crime of transport of 39, an object intended to commit crimes of theft and 27 June for the theft of national property or theft of vehicles, be immediately transferred to the pre-trial detention center to serve his sentence. 19659004] As reported by the Assistant Commissioner of Services of the First Commissioner, Captain Cristian Rebolledo, antisocial held 26 previous arrests, for various crimes, mainly for the theft of vehicles and accessories, being this morning at the disposal of the Court of Guarantee of Arica


The director underlined the organizational capacity of the residents of the teaching population, who met to fight against the crime in the sector and denounced even through the networks social profile of the offender.

Just a few days ago, local leaders and residents met with Carabineros Zone Chief Mauricio Gonzalez and regional authorities to provide the context and problems of the city, an opportunity in which they too received recommendations for joint work with the police.

"In this sense, we call on the community to report crimes not only through social networks, it is essential that we file a formal complaint in police stations, so that we can focus our services and respond more concretely and immediately to the needs of those affected, "said Captain Rebolledo


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