The subjects carry out barricades and cut the traffic after a demonstration of the death of Camilo Catrillanca – National


Subjects barricade and cut traffic after demonstration following the death of Camilo Catrillanca

A group of people erected barricades at the intersection of Vicuña Mackenna Avenue and Diagonal Paraguay . Tvn


Incidents are recorded this Thursday afternoon in downtown downtown Santiago after an event ] organized for the death of Mapuche comunero Camilo Catrillanca.

The concentration, which began in Plaza Italia, attracted a large number of people who, after overflowing, dispersed. It was at that time that clashes erupted between protesters and police officers. Instead, teams of special forces arrived.

At the intersection of Ramón Carnicer and Francisco Bilbao a Micro Transantiago was set on fire by unknown persons. Where they raised from firefighters.

BT3 @LaHeroicaCBS arriving at #emergencia at Ramón Carnicer Avenue and Francisco Bilbao Avenue.

– Santiago Fire Department (@cbsantiago) November 15, 2018

Another vehicle burned was a municipal security van . , who was attacked and burned by demonstrators at the intersection of Ismael Valdes and Monjitas.

  WhatsApp Image 2018-11-15 to 21.12.19.jpeg

Meanwhile, a group of people erected barricades at the intersection of Vicuña Mackenna Avenue with Diagonal Paraguay and from Fray Camilo with Curicó.

Product Incidents, the Operational Traffic Control Unit reports several deviations and traffic cuts of automobiles in the downtown area.

⚠ ATTENTION For disturbances following an unauthorized demonstration:
⛔ Barricades in Bustamanete / Santa Isabel, Seminario / Bilbao and Portugal / Alameda.
Buses blocking the traffic in Portugal, height Marín
Continue Troubles in the area of ​​Plaza Italia #Santiago #Providencia

– UOCT_RM (@UOCT_RM) on November 16, 2018


to the east by Manuel Rodríguez to the south.
⛔ Avoid V.Mackenna north of Irarrázaval.
From Portugal to D.Paraguay.
Providence to the west in Salvador.
Avoid Bustamante north of Irarrázaval. # Ñuñoa #Providencia #Santiago

– UOCT_RM (@UOCT_RM) November 15, 2018

. unauthorized, avoid reaching Vicuña Mackenna for Santa Isab the We suggest going out in Carmen to the south and continue on Matta to the east # Santiago

– UOCT_RM (@UOCT_RM) [19459038onNovember152018

to Concepcion in the region of Biobio incidents are also recorded. A video shows how a group of people burned several supermarket trolleys and placed them between seats, creating a kind of barricade.

Barricades in Concepción

People burned a group of supermarket trolleys and put them in the middle of the street in the capital of the Biobío region.

Developing News …


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