The Superintendency of Banks ensures that no regulation requires an age limit to access financial products


A week pbaded from the letter sent by a 78-year-old woman to "El Mercurio", revealing her discomfort due to the rejection she received when she wanted to renew her credit card with his bank. Yesterday, I wrote again that despite the reactions raised by your case, your bank has not renewed the card yet.

The Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions (SBIF) left yesterday to confront the problem and clarify that no regulation imposes an age limit for subscribing financial products and, beyond the requirements legal requirements that apply to all persons, each establishment determines the terms and conditions in which it issues them, which is the case.

The regulator added that part of the mission of the SBIF is to ensure the solvency of the country's banks, so that depositors are rebadured that their savings are available. "For this purpose, the SBIF requires banks and card issuers to badess each client's risk based on their ability to meet their payment obligations," he said.

In the case of cards, the approved line of credit is a potential or contingent debt, upon which the bank must badess its eventual non-recoverability, primarily for the purpose of adequately covering that risk with provisions.

Finally, the SBIF reiterates that to have access to a credit card, you do not need to take out insurance, as this is only mandatory for mortgages.

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