The support network of Celestino Córdova summons the government asking him to visit his site | National


The network in favor of the machi Celestino Córdova, convicted for the murder of the couple Luchsinger-Mackay, with the Student Federation of the University of Chile, summons the executive power to respect the life and to pronounce at the request of the leader of the community visited his rehue for two days to perform a spiritual retreat.

Following the null response of the government of Sebastián Piñera at the request of Cordova, the latter began a hunger strike which recorded 54. In this respect, the representative of the support network of Machi Celestino Córdova, Cristina Romo Piñem, called the government to the dialogue and respect for the Vida, stating that the health status of Mapuber comunero is a vital risk. mp3

He also added that the seriousness of his condition is due to the deterioration of his organs with damage to the kidneys and lungs, so it is extremely urgent that the administration of Piñera react to this demand [19659002] Meanwhile, Democratic Revolutionary Deputy Maite Orsini called on the executive to listen to social demands and not be indolent against this requirement.

For his part, the President of the Student Federation of the University of Chile, Carla Toro, requested that Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization be respected.

The Government informed that for security reasons they stopped complying with the request of the machi Celestino Córdova, who announced that from Monday he will start his strike from the dry hunger

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