The Supreme Court orders a new oral trial due to the disappearance of José Vergara | National


In the afternoon of this Thursday, the Supreme Court decided to accept the petition for annulment in the case of the kidnapping of the young José Vergara Espinoza disappeared in Alto Hospicio in September 2015 after illegal detention On behalf of the Carabineros

In particular, the interveners were the Prosecutor's Office of Tarapacá, the Institute of Human Rights and the Council of State Defense, especially prosecutors

. To this extent, it will be necessary to conduct a new oral trial in the case according to the report of the highest court.

In April 2018, it was decided for the first time that the uniformed officers involved were illegal so they were released from the institution for this particular case.

However, at that time, they were not blamed for falsifying a public instrument or by skilled kidnapping .

It is there that the defenses decided to resort to the court of last resort to appeal, which was accepted that day.

NOW: #CorteSuprema recieves nullity appeal and orders a new trial for the disappearance of an inmate in Iquique.

– Judiciary Chile (@PJudicialChile) June 28, 2018

This article describes an ongoing judicial process

There is the possibility of that the charges be dismissed at the end of the investigation, that is why should NOT regard the accused as culpable until the court renders a judgment against him.
(Article 04 of the Code of Criminal Procedure)

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