The Supreme Court reverses the arrest warrant exconcejala de Limache found guilty of fraud | National


The Supreme Court accepts the complaint and quashes the arrest warrant against exconcejala Limache, who was sentenced to 10 years and 1 day in prison for treasure fraud

Cynthia Marín, through her defense lawyer Juan Carlos Manríquez, has appealed to the highest court with the intention of invalidating the decision of the Valparaíso Court of Appeal, a body that has ratified the sentence pronounced against her Oral de Quillota

"We are confident that this is the first step to be able to leave without effect some unjust sentences for Ms. Cynthia Marín and we hope that at the end of this process we will be able to really give the expected solution, and just that any defendant would expect in a situation of this magnitude, "said the defense attorney.

He also explained that the decision gave the order not to innovate, "which suspends in full the effects of the Quillota Court and the Valparaíso Court of Appeal, in the same manner that he invalidates and suspends the arrest warrant that could have been withdrawn from the Limache guarantee court against Ms. Marín. "

This scenario, the community authority can still insist on the highest court to invalidate the sentence which, in the opinion of the lawyer Juan Carlos Manríquez, responds to unequal treatment before the law because, in more complex cases – they are the most Penta case – alternatives were offered to an oral trial and minor sentences with benefits.

In addition, the defender repeatedly pointed out that it was "a disproportionate and unfair sentence as opposed to clear legal provisions," adding that he " there was a lack or an abuse of such gravity that violated the equality of arms, leaving Ms. Marín in a completely unequal treatment

The complaint is the last national instance that the exconcejala to try to revoke the sentence and if it is unfavorable, will be the first step to insist on international tribunals with the objective that "the Chilean State respects the procedural rights of the accused, which, in our opinion, have not been fully protected, "said Manríquez.

It was alleged that a fault or serious abuse had been committed in the court of Valparaíso because sentence would have subsidized and improved the Quillota court because, while Throughout the judicial process, it was said that at the time of the facts that grounded the accusation against him, Marin was not an official, and that he was not not possible to argue that there was fraud part of the former communal authority and former chief of staff of the provincial government of Valparaíso during the first government of Sebastián Piñera

Case of fraud in the Intendance

The limachina exa utoridad – who is the sister of the regional councilor and president of the CORE of Valparaíso, Percy Marín – was sentenced after an investigation that dragged on since 2012, as one of the last edges of the so-called "fraud case in the Intendency". [19659002] Prior to the cancellation of the arrest warrant, the exedil had not appeared before the gendarmerie to specify the beginning of the sentence against him and was missing until the end of the sentence. Wednesday, June 27th.

Cynthia Marín was sentenced with a second defendant in this case, Catherine Carrasco, who in 2012 formed a group to name and carry out two projects on public security in the municipality of Limache, for a total of 37 millions of pesos .

These funds corresponded to public funds of the regional government which, according to the information presented in the oral proceedings by the anti-corruption unit of the Public Ministry, have not been rendered, and the two initiatives they never concretized in an integral way.

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